
From the Archives

1 Wm Genv Haas
December 2024
Christmas and The Reward Unseen

Did you know that Christmas and missions have a connection? For BMM, it goes all the way back to our foundations. Learn about it in this month’s Serve Blog.

Rich smith Mvmpjc YC8dw unsplash
November 2024
Understanding and Helping Missionary Kids

Going off to college can be both an exciting and slightly terrifying transition. Most college students are moving away from their families, learning to live on their own, making new friends, and dealing with roommates—all while balancing classes, assignments, and maybe even a job. It seems like a whole new world sometimes.

But there might be people in your Biology 101 class or your college group at church who feel like even more of an outsider than you do: missionary kids.

African Village
October 2024
God’s Care for Those Who Serve

It would have been easy for Steve and Beth Gault to think, “God, how could you let this happen?” Just 16 months after arriving in the Central African Republic, the Gaults were forced out of the country during brutal uprisings. But in the midst of trauma, the Gaults experienced God’s greatness in ways that overruled the difficulties. It was an invaluable experience teaching them that—even when their plans get derailed—God’s plans never get shaken, and He will take care of those who serve Him.

John t PQL Ibz Ta Abs unsplash
September 2024
“Will you teach us the Bible?” - Being ready to act when God is at work

Our country was in the middle of a Dengue Fever epidemic, and incredibly, “Patient Zero” for the country was a man who attends our Bible study.

Christopher burns pz MP RGJ7m Y unsplash
July 2024
Business Assisting Missions: What is a legitimate business venture?

We briefly introduced the concept of BAM (Business Assisting Missions) last month highlighting its parallels to missionary aviation of yesteryear: It helps get us to the place we want to be among the people we want to serve. We defined it as intentionally using the tool of business for furthering the work of the Gospel in a particular field.

John schnobrich Fl Pc9 Voc J4 unsplash
June 2024
Business Assisting Missions: An Introduction

In recent years, though, there are several fields of Gospel labor where a new vehicle is needed. Whereas Creative Access Nations used to be counted on one hand, more and more nations are difficult to enter long-term with an explicitly religious purpose. What vehicle can get us into some of those fields?

Nathalia segato V9qc JVKI Bo unsplash
May 2024
Where Do You Fit In God's Mission

Are you interested in missions but don’t fit the traditional missions model? Baptist Mid-Missions’ Global Fit service option allows more people to find their place in missions, whether through creative funding and ministry engagement or in the strategic setting of Creative Access locations. Perhaps you have or are gaining a specialized skill useful to missions or you are simply approaching missions in a creative way outside the norm; we want to see you involved. Life is short, and time is running out. As a Global Fit worker, you can enhance the efforts of existing missionary teams worldwide putting more boots on the ground to advance the cause. Global Fit expands the possibilities for more people to engage in more ministry in more places around the world.

Susan holt simpson 2n Sd Q Ed Exc unsplash
April 2024
Essential Tools For The Church Planting Missionary

As I reflect on the years God has allowed me to be involved in church-planting, I believe a similar principle applies. There are truckloads of books on the market that offer this new method or that new approach to planting a church. Some of these may be useful in certain contexts, others would find better use as paperweights or doorstops. But as I look back on our church-planting endeavors over the years, I find myself returning to the same basic tools, tools that are essential for the toolbox of anyone setting out to start a church from the ground up.

Ryoji iwata X53e51 Wfjl E unsplash
March 2024
“How much theological and cross-cultural training do I need?”

Here are two realities of life on the mission field: Your theology will be tested, and you will often wonder why the theological truths you so eloquently communicate are not resulting in growing maturity and life change in those you are reaching.

Timo stern i U Bge Ney Vy8 unsplash
February 2024
How will I know I’m ready to go?

How will I know I’m ready to go? The question is quite philosophical. But does it need to be? When we look for the Lord’s leading as to where and how we should serve Him, it can get frustrating when there is no clear path. Do I go with my instincts? Do I step out in faith? How do I know I’m making the right decision? I need to pray about this more. And on it goes. The questioning … second guessing—it can paralyze a person and keep them from acting because they’re not sure if it’s what God wants. Or is it realizing that they’re not completely ready? There are still things to prepare, to buy, to do.

Steve hruza tv Ju BF8 IRWE unsplash
December 2023
Jesus Christ, born to serve

This month's serve was originally feature in the December 2018 Serve and is a great reminder of Christ birth and the reason to serve this holiay season.

Dom fou YRMW Vcdyhm I unsplash
December 2023
Reaching the International Community in the USA on College Campuses.

It has been said that an American college campus represents the very microcosm of global culture. Statistics show that approximately a million international students from nearly 200 countries are currently studying in the United States, with China and India making up approximately half of those students. “You could almost say that every tribe from every nation, speaking every tongue, can be found on the world’s university campuses.” —Vernon Rosenau, BMM president 2016–2020.

Kelly sikkema n4 ev9 L8 K Hc unsplash
November 2023
Intentionally Cultivating Relationships

This month’s Serve is reposted from this last summer’s edition of Advance Magazine, an issue centered on the theme “Turning Strangers to Friends.” Read the entire issue to hear more stories about how missionaries are purposefully developing relationships so that others can hear the gospel.

Mche lee PC91 Jm1 Dl WA unsplash
October 2023
How can you use education and teaching for entry?

In college, James*, knew that he wanted to serve in a creative access nation. To prepare, he (along with his wife) purposefully pursued a college degree that would equip him with business skills enabling him to enter this type of mission field. Read his insights in this month's edition of Serve.

Andrew neel ute2 XAFQU2 I unsplash
September 2023
How to Select a Mission Agency

Selecting a mission agency is one of the most important decisions missionaries make as they begin their missionary journey. “But wait,” you might interject, “doesn’t a mission agency just provide logistical support for the missionary, like making sure I get my support and making arrangements if I need to evacuate the country?” While that is true to an extent, there is much more that a mission agency does.

Kelly sikkema Rl O3f LOS7 PE unsplash
August 2023
How can I wisely select a field of service?

Many missionary biographies and stories mention the missionaries knowing since they were little children where they wanted to serve.

What if that doesn’t describe you? Can you still be a missionary?

Aaron burden l W79k Luvl8 E unsplash 1
July 2023
Making Bible Translation Stick

Have you ever tried to learn a foreigner’s name? If you’ve tried to show kindness to someone who speaks a different language, you’ve probably struggled to learn their name. You can’t even visualize how it would be spelled. The same struggle would probably arise if you try to learn a Scripture verse in another language. It just doesn’t stick!

Small group network o2 Uuq Kf HRVU unsplash
June 2023
Overthinking Discipleship

We live in a culture that overthinks everything. One of those things is discipleship.

Alex shute hrh Jl QC Jd VE unsplash
May 2023
Effective prayer for missions

Prayer is one of the hardest things in the Christian life because it is all about dependency. We’re saying to God, “I need you, and I need something from you.” It can be easier to ask other people to meet our needs than to admit our utter dependence on God. Jesus’ disciples once made an interesting request: “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).

Debby hudson sgdy Bq6khe Q unsplash
April 2023
Back to Life: The importance of healthy North American churches

BMM’s North America Administrator Steve Anderson is on a mission to bring vitality back to North America’s churches. He has detailed his passion and plan more in a past issue of Serve here.

Gayatri malhotra o Wbp HD De Og unsplash 1
March 2023
Obstacles become opportunities

Any of us with a little life experience know that obstacles often turn into opportunities. The same is true in your path toward missions. Now consider some ways you can meet these obstacles with God’s help and wisdom.

Tim collins B5ox94 ZF Gg I unsplash
February 2023
I think God wants me in missions. But what about…?

Perhaps you stand ready to serve in missions yet find yourself hindered from moving forward. Obstacles often stand in a person’s path and cause hesitancy toward going. What are those obstacles? What can be done about them? While not an exhaustive list, consider six obstacles on the path to missions. Which ones stand in your path?

1serve jan
January 2023
What does a missionary do all day?

The Scriptures make the missionary task clear: make disciples. But how does that look day-by-day? What about the normal tasks of life as a citizen living in a community? Do missionaries simply speak the gospel from the time they get up in the morning till they go to bed?

Guillermo casales o q Z Vaou O Xk unsplash
December 2022
Proclaimers of peace: Christmas meditations for missions

The Christmas message is good news because it promises peace, a promise you and I need and a promise every one of earth’s eight billion souls needs.

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November 2022
Gospel Impact at a Campus Near You

Today's secular college campuses are the frontlines of culture. And that makes them the frontlines of the missionary effort.

Dylan freedom ru F9k Gr5 CPY unsplash
October 2022
Five Missions Myths

A necessary corrective to common mistakes people make regarding missions, this month’s Serve is written by former BMM missionary to Cameroon and current BMM Special Representative, Dr. Dan Seely

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September 2022
Lessons from a Missions Internship

Taking a trip to a foreign mission field is an experience like no other. It gives you a front row seat to the power of God at work in the world through willing servants. This month’s Serve documents one summer intern’s experiences.

Ben white 9 O1o Q9 Sz QZQ unsplash
August 2022
Have We No Rights?

In the August issue of Serve, Travis Gravley (BMM Church Relations & Enlistment) shares a voice from the past offering some profound missions thoughts to consider.

Towfiqu barbhuiya 5u6bz2t Yh X8 unsplash
July 2022
Acquiring the Language

Part Three in our series on The Crucible—missionaries’ critical transition period during their first term on their field.

June 2022
Safe Haven for Missionary Soul Care

Service to Missionaries in the Crucible and Beyond

May 2022
The Crucible

A crucible is a vessel employed for heating substances to very high temperatures and can also be a metaphor for a severe, scorching trial.

Igor rodrigues t Qruu8 CRH Cw unsplash
April 2022
Untitled design 9
March 2022
Summer Internship Opportunities in North America

Missions internships are a tremendous way to get experience serving on the frontlines of gospel work. Internship opportunities abound in one of BMM’s most diverse fields of service—North America. BMM’s North America ministry team is made up of missionaries in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

February 2022
Take a Look!

The value of “looking” and “seeing” the mission field for yourself is hard to overemphasize. Thus, short-term mission trips or mission internships have tremendous value.

January 2022
New Year, Same Obedience

I want to challenge you and me not to allow that uncertainty to drive us in the coming year.

Nathan lemon W7nbak Rx1 Ks unsplash
December 2021
Live as a Sent One

Friend, you are a sent one. You have God’s message of salvation. Are you living today as one who is sent?

Best Preaching 1 DX 4275
November 2021
Six reasons not to skip raising support

These motivations and many others lead some to skip the support-raising process. Don’t do it! Skipping deputation, also called “pre-field ministry,” will rob you of important lessons through which God desires to make you more effective for Him.

Ben white man in field
October 2021
Singleness and Missions: A Unique Opportunity for God to Receive Glory

This month’s Serve is a conversation between Travis Gravley (Administrator for Church Relations and Enlistment) and Dr. Joy Anglea. A former medical missionary to Micronesia, Dr. Anglea serves as BMM’s Medical Director.

Tomas malik N9 Fl32 CF Mf U unsplash
September 2021
A Testing Ground for Missions?

Short term missions as a testing ground for missions—valid idea or not?

August 2021
Mission Frontiers in North America

After centuries of Christian influence, one may be tempted to believe there are no frontier ministries left in North America because “others have been there before.” I think it wise to remember this when we think of Mission Frontiers for North America

compass Rose
July 2021
Mission Frontiers in the Global South

This month’s Serve is a conversation between Travis Gravley (Administrator for Church Relations and Enlistment), Graham Foran (Field Administrator for Brazil), and Steve Gault (Field Administrator for Africa and Europe). This is the third installment on the theme of Missions Frontiers. BMM’s president, Patrick Odle, laid out the vision. Nate Beckman spoke to frontiers in Asia. In this issue, Graham and Steve represent the Global South on this topic.

Ben parker n6u F Xwe C So unsplash
June 2021
New Frontiers Need Pioneers

My hope comes from Revelation 7:9, which states that in heaven there will be believers from “. . . all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues.”

Man with Bible
May 2021
Meeting the Need without Messing Up

Although the Bible was completed almost 2,000 years ago, it’s been only within the last 200 years that thousands of language groups have received their own Bibles. This is a tremendous accomplishment in modern Bible translation. God is raising up a host of workers to give the remaining people groups direct access to the Bible. It’s an exciting time to be part of Bible translation!

April 2021
Missions Frontiers

In the coming months, we want to consider frontiers—places of unparalleled opportunity for the church’s mission endeavors. We’ll look close up at regions around the globe. To get us started, BMM President Patrick Odle casts the vision of a new century of BMM strategic teamwork.

March 2021
Politics, Plagues, and Hardships

God’s promises outlast politics, plagues, and hardships and press us to trust and obey. Consider three examples of God’s faithful promise and man’s trusting response.

guy in airport
February 2021
Stepping out in long-term missions during a pandemic—Why not?

Riding backwards is a good analogy for living in these days. We can’t easily see the road ahead. Will work, school, and church life return to some predictable pattern? Will we be able to enjoy life without fear of contracting or passing on a highly contagious and potentially deadly illness? What about travel?

Mikey harris kw0z6 Ryv C0s unsplash
January 2021
Navigating Missions Opportunities in 2021

How has COVID-19 affected missions?

This is a question to which we will continue to learn the answer in the coming months. One effect is the increased use of technology. Livestreaming services and meeting for one-on-one discipleship via video platforms is not going away anytime soon.

December 2020
Sharing the Light

2020 may seem like a dark year but we have a light that we are called to share with others.

11 Odle vision
November 2020
From the Past and into the Future

Our mission began in 1920 and faced many challenges that year. 2020 is nothing new and God can handle it all.

Rosie fraser r Twhm F So XC8 unsplash
October 2020
Core Value #8 Prayer

In the final installment of our Core Values series, Deb Brammer shares the unseen power that fuels missions: prayer.

Serve sept 20
September 2020
Core Value #7 Faith

From the time that Andrew Comings served as a missionary intern, he saw faith modeled by veteran missionaries. It’s a value he holds tightly to in his own missionary service in Brazil.

Serve aug
August 2020
Core Value #6 Interdependence

Teamwork done in the right spirit accomplishes far more than any missionary can do alone.

Serve july
July 2020
Core Value #5 The Centrality of the Local Church

From sending church to planting churches, the local church is at the core of missions, as Netherlands missionary Daniel Boyd writes on in this month‘s blog.

Serve June
June 2020
Core Value #4 Integrity

Italy missionary Jonathan Whitman learned the value of integrity from his missionary parents. And it’s a trait he’s seen demonstrated throughout BMM.

Serve may
May 2020
Core Value #3 Passion for God

What are you passionate about? When it comes to missions, passion must permeate all you do.

April 2020
Core Value #2 Global Outreach

Mary Amesbury, who reaches the world through Campus Bible Fellowship International, discusses this month’s core value.

Bible map
March 2020
Core Value #1 Biblical Authority

Every missions ministry is driven by the inspired, inerrant Word of God.

Serve February
February 2020
Back to the Basics

The first edition of an eight-part series on BMM's core values of missions

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