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Christmas and The Reward Unseen

Yeah, this is probably not the first thought that enters your mind as you finish the year and prepare for another holiday season full of the joys of beloved traditions. But if we take a deeper look at Christmas, Christ’s birth marks the beginning of his earthly mission, a task he had been entrusted with by his Father who sent him. As he was sent, so also are we sent (Jn 20:21). What better time of year to consider our own obedience to God’s command to go? What better time to set aside that which holds our attention temporarily to embrace that which bears eternal significance?

Christmas was the season for going for BMM’s missionary founders, William and Genevieve Haas. Nancy Freund, BMM’s Publications Manager, recently released The Reward Unseen, a new biography of William Haas that documents this eternal perspective. I’d like to give you a taste of this excellent account with several extended quotes emphasizing the Haases’ fixation with the eternal.

From the Archives

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November 2024
Understanding and Helping Missionary Kids

Going off to college can be both an exciting and slightly terrifying transition. Most college students are moving away from their families, learning to live on their own, making new friends, and dealing with roommates—all while balancing classes, assignments, and maybe even a job. It seems like a whole new world sometimes.

But there might be people in your Biology 101 class or your college group at church who feel like even more of an outsider than you do: missionary kids.

African Village
October 2024
God’s Care for Those Who Serve

It would have been easy for Steve and Beth Gault to think, “God, how could you let this happen?” Just 16 months after arriving in the Central African Republic, the Gaults were forced out of the country during brutal uprisings. But in the midst of trauma, the Gaults experienced God’s greatness in ways that overruled the difficulties. It was an invaluable experience teaching them that—even when their plans get derailed—God’s plans never get shaken, and He will take care of those who serve Him.

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September 2024
“Will you teach us the Bible?” - Being ready to act when God is at work

Our country was in the middle of a Dengue Fever epidemic, and incredibly, “Patient Zero” for the country was a man who attends our Bible study.

Christopher burns pz MP RGJ7m Y unsplash
July 2024
Business Assisting Missions: What is a legitimate business venture?

We briefly introduced the concept of BAM (Business Assisting Missions) last month highlighting its parallels to missionary aviation of yesteryear: It helps get us to the place we want to be among the people we want to serve. We defined it as intentionally using the tool of business for furthering the work of the Gospel in a particular field.

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June 2024
Business Assisting Missions: An Introduction

In recent years, though, there are several fields of Gospel labor where a new vehicle is needed. Whereas Creative Access Nations used to be counted on one hand, more and more nations are difficult to enter long-term with an explicitly religious purpose. What vehicle can get us into some of those fields?

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May 2024
Where Do You Fit In God's Mission

Are you interested in missions but don’t fit the traditional missions model? Baptist Mid-Missions’ Global Fit service option allows more people to find their place in missions, whether through creative funding and ministry engagement or in the strategic setting of Creative Access locations. Perhaps you have or are gaining a specialized skill useful to missions or you are simply approaching missions in a creative way outside the norm; we want to see you involved. Life is short, and time is running out. As a Global Fit worker, you can enhance the efforts of existing missionary teams worldwide putting more boots on the ground to advance the cause. Global Fit expands the possibilities for more people to engage in more ministry in more places around the world.

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