The Protestant Reformation revitalized the Church in Europe, inspiring many of history’s greatest mission efforts. Today Postmodernism has sheared the hearts of Europeans away from Christianity. Islam is making strong inroads as well. The time is ripe for a new generation of missionaries to restore the gospel of Christ to Europe.
Religion plays mostly a cultural role in the lives of French people. We need church planters and Bible institute teachers to help bring genuine life-change through Christ.
After decades of church planting in Germany, BMM missionaries are teaming up with Germans to expand into unreached cities. Leadership training is also needed to equip German pastors and church planters.
Broadcasting ministries have proven effective in reaching Italians for Christ. Through creativity and perseverance, more churches can be established in this country and leaders trained to equip the church.
In the world’s most devoutly Catholic nation, BMM missionaries have established a church and are training leaders. Great potential exists for student ministries and for church planting on neighboring islands.
In a unique ministry, BMM missionaries work among Romania's spiritually neglected Roma (Gypsy) population. Additional church planters, youth workers, reading teachers, and musicians are greatly needed.
Our ministries are centered in Kezmarok through a missionary couple who make contacts for their church through ESL and music and youth ministry. Additional help is needed for their church, and the door is wide open for ministry in other areas.
You may be surprised that Spain is the least-evangelized Spanish-speaking country in the world. Join the church-planting team that seeks to reverse this reality. Churches are being planted, and a Bible institute and campus ministry further enhance the outreach.
Since the 1950s, BMM missionaries have established churches in the southern portion of The Netherlands, which is predominately Catholic. Numerous towns in this area are still unreached, and missionaries committed to this task are needed.
Once a sender of missionaries, England needs new churches started and existing churches strengthened. Missionaries burdened for Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists will find a mission field among England's immigrants. The BMM Bible college in England can also be further developed.
Join a church planting team in providing theological instruction for Spain's next generation of church leaders. The Baptist Bible Seminary of Spain exists to glorify God through the serious and rigorous biblical, spiritual, theological and ministerial formation of workers. The seminary is supported by the independent Baptist churches of Spain in order to supply them with trained and prepared servants in their ministries. The seminary also provides a stream of trained church planters for the establishment of new churches in Spain.
The BMM Spain team and Spanish pastors are using a combination of onsite and remote learning modules. They need more help to advance this program and to contribute to the advance of the gospel in this largely unevangelized field. If God has burdened and gifted you for training on the mission field, take your next steps today!
BMM desires church planters to establish works in the five major cities of Austria with hopes of extending out to other unchurched regions. Individuals and couples are needed to form teams to address this dire need.
Born-again believers in Austria account for a mere one-tenth of 1 percent of the population. About 78 percent of the population is Roman Catholic. The majority of Austria's 3,346 towns and villages have no Protestant group that preaches the Word.
Those trained in ministry and having experience will make a difference in this needy place. Follow God’s call to make disciples to this beautiful but spiritually dark European nation. Contact us today if you are interested.
Join a functioning church planting ministry in one of our European fields. More long-term ministry workers are needed to reach the dynamic and needy European population. If you are considering joining the work long term yet feel you need a year or two on the field to gain experience and see if you’re a fit for this ministry, a short-term ministry is for you. Europe, the former fountainhead of Christianity, is far from it’s Christian past. Secularism and immigration have created a largely un-Christian culture with little knowledge of the truth of the gospel. You can make a difference. Contact us today to inquire about short-term ministry with one of our teams.
Finland needs those willing to partner with a Finnish Baptist church to establish more churches in the country. BMM missionaries have established a work in Tampere that desires to reproduce itself and pour more evangelical resources into this dark culture. The need for Bible-believing churches in Finland is great. Finland has historically had a state church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, that has grown cold and is losing members. This void has been met by experienced-based religion and unbiblical doctrine. While spiritually lost, Finns are among Europe’s most educated people.
Those trained and experienced in ministry and willing to follow Christ to make disciples in Finland should contact us today.
Church planters are needed to expand the effort of spreading an evangelical witness in France. BMM France is using many methods to reach out – English conversations, literature distribution, children's clubs, and hospitality, to name a few.
Europe is changing rapidly with growing secularism and the continued effects of immigration. Ministry here involves reaching a diverse population with an emphasis on relationships. One can reach individuals from all over the world in this secularized, Western society.
BMM is looking for those that have the training and mindset to do long-term ministry and who will be willing to till hard soil and trust in the power of the gospel to change lives. Europe still needs Christ. Will you be one that God uses?
Church planters are needed to work in a team ministry to expand into the many unreached cities in Germany. There is a need for lead church planters as well as support staff who may specialize in university outreach, youth ministry, or children’s ministry.
Germans, a once thoroughly religious population, are largely indifferent to the gospel. Estimations put the evangelical population at around 1%. Be a part of the exciting work of expanding the gospel’s reach into the many unreached cities in Germany!
Church planting missionaries are needed to address the spiritual darkness of Ireland. Experienced and trained workers will use home Bible studies and other methods to develop relationships and see the gospel have long-term effects. The Catholicism of the Irish is not just a religion, it is their very existence. Ninety percent of the people are practicing, devout followers of the Mass. Yet, a true gospel witness is largely missing.
Ireland is a place to give your life to win. Would you be one that will volunteer to make a difference there? Start the process of inquiring by completing our Next Steps form today.
God can use you to reach the largely unevangelized population of Italy. If you have interest and training in church planting, BMM Italy desires to expand in many places. There are 31,000 cities and villages without a single gospel witness. The current work is centered in the region of Umbria in Central Italy, but many more regions both north and south are largely untouched. Placed in Southcentral Europe, Italy can provide opportunities in to harder-to-reach fields like Albania or other fields in the Mediterranean region. Opportunities for outreach vary but include media ministries, theological training, campus outreach, and many more. Some estimates place Italy’s Catholic population at 99%.
Would you consider giving your life to these dear people? The door is open, and team ministry is ongoing. BMM Italy would welcome your help.
With so few evangelical churches in this Catholic nation, BMM is seeking those that will take the church planting effort in Malta into the future. One church is planted, but there is more need in other areas of the island and neighboring islands.
A thriving European Union member, Malta boasts a place in biblical history. Paul spent time here when his journey to Rome was interrupted by a shipwreck near Malta in Acts 28. Unfortunately, true gospel witness is missing today as evangelicals make up less than 1 percent of the population.
Minister in English alongside a team working hard to plant Maltese churches that will plant more churches. Contact us through our Next Steps form today.
Church planting missionaries are vital to the future of evangelical missions in this former communist nation still greatly in need of the gospel. Join a functioning church planting ministry to gain understanding of ministry. Then, as doors open, you can explore needy cities in Slovakia for the next church plant. Slovakia is located in Central Europe, the former fountainhead of Christianity, which is far from its Christian past. Secularism and immigration have created a largely un-Christian culture with little knowledge of the truth of the gospel.
You can make a difference. Contact us today to inquire about church planting in Slovakia.
The team of missionaries in the Netherlands greatly desires help reaching areas of Holland that do not have much evangelical witness. BMM is seeking those who are willing to settle into Dutch society and develop relationships and Bible studies as the seed work of planting churches.
The Netherlands is a small territory with a high population density. Add to that the fact that the people are becoming more and more apathetic to spiritual things, and you can see why those who carry the power of God’s salvation can make such a difference. The work requires the long view, so expect to come and stay for a while. But expect God to work and lives to be changed for His glory.
Partner with BMM to see struggling churches revitalized and new works started in this former bastion of evangelical Christianity. Help is needed to replace retiring missionaries and expand the work of BMM’s UK team in England, Scotland, and perhaps other areas.
Less than 7 percent of the population attends church at all, and there are hundreds of evangelical churches without a pastor. Six churches close every week.
Partner with experienced American missionaries and national church leaders to reach more cities and towns for Christ. If you are willing to patiently learn the way of life of the United Kingdom and apply the powerful Word of God in this context, complete a Next Steps form today.
Especially Spain! is a four-week internship program that will give you hands-on experience in day-to-day workings of church planting in Spain. Students will travel to ministry stations in Spain where BMM missionaries are working. Station sites include: Logroño, Petrer, Pontevedra, and Salamanca.
This trip gives you an opportunity to observe missions up close, participate in outreach, and gain a sense of cross-cultural ministry. You should have basic beginner Spanish to participate. You do not need to be fluent, but having had at least one year of Spanish in high school or college will be very beneficial.
Applications for Summer Trips due March 1.
Those seeking to focus their energies primarily on sharing Christ and discipling new believers should consider joining BMM’s church planting team in Malta. Minister in English to residents of this melting pot of peoples in Europe’s Mediterranean region.
Malta is increasingly made up of people from many nations, including North African nations, living alongside Maltese nationals. With evangelicals making up less than 1 percent of the population, and the population growing each year, the ministry potential is unlimited!
If you are looking to carry out Christ’s command in the context of a team atmosphere, please contact us through the Next Steps form today.
Germany Trek is a four-week missions exposure trip that will give you hands-on experience in day-to-day workings of church planting in Germany. During the trip, there will be opportunities to travel to several sites in Germany where BMM missionaries and national German pastors are serving.
The cost of the trip is $800.00 (this includes food, lodging and in-country travel). There is an additional $40 nonrefundable application fee. Airline tickets, passport fees, and any spending money for gifts and souvenirs is separate.
Applications due March 1, 2025
Go Dutch is a five-week internship program that gives students a hands-on experience in day-to-day workings of church planting in the Netherlands. This program is designed to introduce students to cross-cultural ministry and give a first-hand taste of Dutch culture. Students will travel to various sites in Holland where Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries are serving. Touring sites may include tracing Baptist roots in Amsterdam, the Corrie ten Boom House in Haarlem, and one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
Applications for Summer Trips due March 1.Similar to the Germany Trek program experience an internship with the Germany field team. This opportunity offers a more intense look at what it is like to be a church planting missionary to Germany. This opportunity is available in a 6-12 week course.
Learn from a dynamic team of missionaries reaching Roma people in Romania. Our BMM ministry team in Romania possesses a passion to reach the youth of the Roma communities with the gospel and to raise up a new generation of disciples of Jesus Christ. They reach them through youth meetings, Bible studies, choir ministry, after school ministry, practical education, and literacy ministry.
Though Romania has experienced growth and transformation over the last decades, the vestiges of communism are apparent. It is a religious society, but true gospel churches are few, particularly those that are reaching the Roma population.
Spend a summer with a team that is passionately and wisely following God through open doors of ministry among Romania’s youth. Impact the future. Contact us today!
What if you could do an internship that gives you concentrated spiritual training and hands-on cross-cultural ministry experience at the same time? Consider BMM Spain. A group of missionaries offers a 1-year internship that will equip you to be transformed both internally and externally, resulting in sharing the word of God effectively in the Spanish culture. The internship will be demanding as it requires regular reading, writing, and intentional engagement with the missionary team.
The weekly format will include regular meetings with the mission team entertaining questions you have, discussing books you are reading, and praying together for God’s work in and around you. The mission team will also train you to engage with their community in hospitality and other activities allowing you to develop relationships that may have an eternal impact.
The goal is that at the end of the internship you will be able to move into the community to which God leads you with a purpose to engage, evangelize, edify, and equip. Maybe God will even lead you back to Spain to do these things as a missionary there.
Missionaries needed to develop an existing opportunity with students who attend Malta's language schools. This is a strategic and important effort that contributes to the overall goal of planting churches in this island nation.
Due to Malta’s growing economy and the country’s membership in the European Union, Malta is increasingly made up of people from many nations living alongside Maltese nationals. With evangelicals making up less than 1 percent of the population, and the population growing each year, the ministry potential is unlimited!
Join a dynamic team doing ministry in English. If you are one desiring to influence young minds who will reach many places across the globe that you would never be able to, contact us today.
Help is needed reaching the 40,000 plus students of Perugia, Italy, BMM Italy’s current base. As a missionary reaching the diverse population of students in Italy, you would spend your time building relationships, holding Bible studies, and linking your work to the growing local church ministry nearby.
Placed in Southcentral Europe, Italy provides opportunities into harder-to-reach fields like Albania or other creative access countries in the Mediterranean region. The situation in Italy itself is dire. Some estimates place Italy’s Catholic population at 99% with secularistic and atheistic thought growing, as in the rest of Western Europe.
Take advantage of a solid, established team to launch your outreach onto Italian university campuses. You won’t regret investing in this strategic ministry.
Instructors are needed for the Pastoral Baptist Bible Institute in Algrange. This opportunity will include participation in the growth and outreach of local churches in the region as a part of a team of missionaries and French church leaders. The Bible institute is providing biblically solid church leaders and missionaries who are reaching beyond France’s borders.
Gospel ministry in France depends on faithful seed-sowing and unflinching focus on teaching the Bible. French churches need the encouragement of trained disciple-makers and teachers and those that will willingly work to support and partner with French leaders. France’s population is constantly changing with large portions of African immigrants becoming French residents every year.
If you are trained in theology and desire to share your knowledge with the next generation of French believers, contact us today.
Instructors are needed for teaching at the Theological Training Institute in southern Germany. Those interested will also become involved in strengthening existing German churches or contributing to the start of new churches.
BMM missionaries and German churches are planting new churches, and theologically trained leaders are needed. Be a part of a team of missionaries and national pastors who are seeking to equip the next generation of German church leaders with solid biblical teaching and sound theological training.
Individual/ Couple
The Netherlands
BMM Holland needs help reaching youth through a variety of local church-based means. While year-round ministry will keep you busy, you will help run two concurrent one-week summer camps for kids and teens. This is the highlight of the summer as the team works together with members from churches throughout the southern provinces. For many campers the summer camp is a tremendous encouragement as it is the one week out of the year that they don’t feel so alone in their faith. But these same teens need encouragement all year.
The Netherlands is a small territory which has the second-highest population density in the world. Add to that the fact that the people are becoming more apathetic to spiritual things, and you can see why those who carry the power of God’s salvation can make such a difference, especially among the youth.
Contact us today to begin joining this important work.
Support the work of church planting missionaries in France through evangelism and discipleship of teens and children in France. You will join a ministry effort that employs many methods of outreach like English conversations, children's clubs, and camp ministry.
Europe is changing rapidly with growing secularism and the continued effects of immigration. Ministry here involves reaching a diverse population with an emphasis on relationships. One can reach individuals from all over the world in this secularized, Western society.
BMM is looking for those that have passion and who are good at making relationships with youth to impact them for the future. Make your passion a reality by obeying Christ’s call to the nations, including the lost youth of France. Complete a Next Steps form today!
You can make an eternal impact in the lives of German youth. BMM Germany needs help in evangelism and discipleship of teens and children. Church planting teams work closely with German church leaders, providing a dynamic network in which youth ministry can flourish.
Germans, a once thoroughly religious population, are largely indifferent to the gospel. Estimations put the evangelical population at around 1 percent. Be a part of the exciting work of expanding the gospel by reaching the youth of Germany!
If you are willing to carry out Great Commission ministry mostly among youth who will one day become faithful adult church members, Romania holds great opportunity. Our BMM ministry team in Romania possesses a passion to reach the youth of the Roma communities with the gospel and to raise up a new generation of disciples of Jesus Christ. They reach them through youth meetings, Bible studies, choir ministry, after school ministry, practical education, and literacy ministry.
Though Romania has experienced growth and transformation over the last decades, the vestiges of communism are apparent. It is a religious society, but true gospel churches are few, particularly those that are reaching the Roma population.
Join a team that is passionately and wisely following God through open doors of ministry among Romania’s youth. Impact the future. Contact us today!
Join church planting missionaries in the early stages of training church leadership by focusing on teaching Bible doctrine to the youth. Investing in youth today is proving to be an effective strategy for reaching Europe.
Slovakia, like many surrounding countries, carries the marks of a once religious society. Young people, especially, are disillusioned with empty religion and classic cultural traditions making them ripe for gospel harvest. Your help and expertise in working with youth can make a big difference in the maturity of the church.
Follow God to Slovakia, and you will enjoy a ministry with unending potential. Contact us today.
BMM Spain is looking for a couple who would be willing to join a current church plant to target young people. Reaching this vastly unreached group of Spaniards is necessary to the vitality and longevity of the churches throughout Spain.
A predominantly Catholic society, Spain suffers from a growing secularism and trend toward atheism. Many towns have very little evangelical witness, if any at all.
Join BMM Spain and participate in a dynamic team reaching several cities. They need your help. If you enjoy reaching youth and leading the next generation to follow Christ, contact us today about joining our Spain team.
The UK team is seeking individuals and couples who are passionate and skilled in reaching youth. Serve alongside a missionary church planter and expand his outreach ministry.
Less than 7 percent of the population of the UK attends church at all, and there are hundreds of evangelical churches without a pastor. Six churches close every week. The country is in desperate need of those that will befriend people and share Christ with them.
Partner with experienced American missionaries and national church leaders to reach British young people for Christ. Your help can make a difference in the UK. Contact us for more information.