Currently among all BMM fields, South America is the most receptive to the gospel. But this opening of hearts likely won’t last more than a generation. Harvest season is upon South America. Will you reach lives while the opportunities are great?
Ninety-two percent of Argentina’s population is urban, with Roman Catholicism being the major religion. Argentina’s cities are a wide-open mission field.
Brazil is in harvest phase, with an openness to the gospel that may not last into the future. Church planters and theological educators can seize this opportunity while the doors to people’s hearts are open.
The most unreached group in Chile is the professional class. The need for churches among them reaches beyond the capital of Santiago into other large cities.
The nationalized churches in the Dominican Republic are eager for partnerships with expatriate missionaries as they further the cause of Christ, especially in the area of theological education.
EBI is committed to the production and distribution of doctrinally sound, Christ-centered, and theologically profound Spanish literature.
We urgently need church planters and those who will develop supporting ministries such as camps and Bible institutes.
Catholicism enjoys a special position in Haiti, and many Haitians practice elements of voodoo in addition to their religion. Bible-preaching churches are needed throughout Haiti.
Central and eastern Honduras have great needs for new churches, but an urgent need also exists for missionaries to work in Honduras’s Bay Islands.
We are looking for missionaries burdened to work alongside Jamaican Christian leaders to reactivate BMM ministry within Jamaica.
Service opportunities abound for working independently or in team ministries with Peruvians in the areas of church planting, theological education, camp ministries, radio and more.
If you are burdened for church planting and theological education, join the work in St. Vincent and reach into the country’s interior and the Grenadine islands for Christ.
Our goal is the training of Venezuelan leadership. Contact us to find how your skills could be used to build up the church in Venezuela.
Teach module Bible and ministry courses in English with a translator or in Spanish at a resident Bible college in Urubamba of the mountainous Cusco region of Peru. You would also enjoy opportunities for ministry in churches throughout your stay. Situated at a high altitude, the Cusco region is made up of Spanish speakers as well as other ethnic groups like the Quechua people. It neighbors remote, jungle regions of Peru where there is a great need for churches. The Bible college supports the church planting efforts all across this region. If you are a pastor or have past experience in theological education, this is a tremendous way to touch generations in Peru. Plus, classes can be conveniently scheduled to fit into a short time frame. Perhaps you are considering long-term ministry in this region. Seize this ripe opportunity for involvement with potential for longer impact.
The Amazon, Northeast, and South regions of Brazil have Bible institutes and training centers which need new workers. Theological training is crucial for the health of the Brazilian church. Bible institute alumni become church planters and pastors in Brazil as well as missionaries sent out to places all over the world. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins more and more to touch the world. Why don’t you consider being a part of the swelling impact Brazilian churches will have on the world moving forward? Contact us today.
Build a cook's cabin for a ministry camp in Ecuador. (The funds to cover the materials still need to be raised)
A camp director is needed for the camp ministry in Lima, Peru. Currently the camp runs programs seasonally; however, the ministry holds far more potential for year-round impact.
Lima, the capital of Peru, is home to over 10 million people and a growing network of Peruvian churches. The camp ministry, located outside of the city to the north, provides an ideal, relational setting for gospel ministry. Serving in this camp ministry also allows you to be involved in a local church near the camp with growing ministry.
Perhaps your skills are geared toward the various needs of camp ministry. Perhaps you have a heart for youth and a desire to use your camping skills in missions. If you are willing to learn Spanish and put these interests to work in this important ministry, contact us today.
A camp director is needed for the camp ministry in Trujillo, Peru. Currently the camp runs programs seasonally, however, the ministry holds far more potential for year-round impact.
The Northwestern coastal area of Peru hosts a dynamic and growing Peruvian church. The camp ministry provides an ideal atmosphere for biblical ministry to advance in a relational setting.
The predominantly Roman Catholic region is filled with lives both young and old that would benefit from a growing camp ministry.
Perhaps your skills are geared toward the various needs of camp ministry. Perhaps you have a heart for youth and a desire to use your camping skills in missions. If you are willing to learn Spanish and put these interests to work in this important ministry, contact us today.
Ecuadorian Baptist churches with which BMM has partnered for years need assistance developing their camp ministry, Living Rock Baptist Camp. The camp ministry holds great potential and provides an ideal, relational setting for gospel ministry. Serving in this camp ministry also allows you to be involved in local church ministry aiding the efforts of a national pastor. Perhaps your skills are geared toward the various needs of camp ministry. Perhaps you have a heart for youth and a desire to use your camping skills in missions. If you are willing to learn Spanish and put these interests to work in this important ministry, contact us today.
A couple or individual is needed to help launch a camping ministry to serve the missionary efforts of BMM church planters near San Pedro Sula, Honduras. A 17 acre mountain property has been purchased and is being developed. Construction and maintenance volunteers are needed. The ministry team envisions a year-round camp ministry offering both English and Spanish camps. Some undergraduate Bible training and camp experience is needed.
Honduras is made up of a predominantly Catholic population that lives in large cities, rural villages, and even nearby islands. Along with empty religion, rising crime and poverty add to the great spiritual needs of Hondurans.
Perhaps your skills and desires are geared toward the various needs of camp ministry. If you are willing to learn Spanish and put these interests to work in this important ministry, contact us today.
Church planter/ camp programmer is needed in Ecuador.
Be a church planter or partner with national workers to plant churches and evangelize needy areas of the country. A strong association of Brazilian churches with Brazilian pastors is in place. Our Brazilian colleagues are eager to partner together to expand the reach of the gospel both in Brazil and around the world. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins to touch the world. Why don’t you consider being a part of the swelling impact Brazilian churches will have on the world moving forward? Consider joining an experienced team for the new chapter of missions in Brazil. Contact us today!
The country of Chile needs more evangelical witness. Join BMM missionaries in the city of Santiago to plant churches and develop the work further as God would allow. The present focus of BMM in Chile is on reaching the professional class, the group most unreached in the country.
Santiago is home to five and a half million souls.
A geographically diverse nation on the West Coast of South America holds great potential for gospel impact in the continent. You can join an experienced missionary couple to learn the ropes of missions in South America. Lord willing, you will be a part of a growing team that will carry the light forward in a land plagued by shallow Christianity and false religion.
Join in the efforts of the Ecuadorian church to expand the reach of the gospel both in the cities and jungles of Ecuador. Church planting missionaries who are willing to learn Spanish and live in Ecuador are needed. A small country in the northwest part of South America, Ecuador is home to 17 million souls. Religiously, Ecuador remains a stronghold of Satan through false religion. Follow in the footsteps of devoted missionaries of the past and work alongside those whose lives have been changed. They need your help.
Work alongside Haitian brothers to expand the reach of the gospel. Church planters with ministry training have many opportunities in the growing cities of Haiti.
Haiti, a very poor and struggling nation, has been racked with violence and difficulty for much of the last decade. Its history has created a unique darkness characterized by Roman Catholic error and the destructive beliefs of Haitian voodoo. Missionaries will find that the Haitian brethren will provide a solid team of partners for any mission effort.
Those who are driven by a love for the Savior and who desire to share that with others will find a ripe mission field in Haiti.
BMM Honduras needs five church-planting couples to work in this great harvest field. Central and eastern Honduras are the areas with the greatest need for new churches.
Honduras is made up of a predominantly Catholic population that lives in large cities, rural villages, and even nearby islands. Along with empty religion, rising crime and poverty add to the great spiritual needs of Hondurans.
If God has burdened your heart to fulfill His call for faithful and biblically based gospel outreach, consider the field of Honduras. God will be pleased to use you and others to expand local church ministry in fulfillment of Christ’s command. Contact us today.
Join Jamaican brothers and sisters in reaching the island’s diverse peoples and planting churches. Many churches exist on the island, but most are not preaching the true gospel. The Independent Baptist Churches Association, a growing network of churches, welcomes church planters and related ministries to serve in the island and offers their partnership.
Jamaica is a religious society, but the beliefs of islanders range from anti-God, pagan beliefs to false “Christian” doctrines. The population includes a mixture of Africans, Caucasians, Chinese, East Indians, Portuguese Jews, Palestinian Arabs, and Syrians.
If you are qualified through ministry training and experience and desire to reactivate BMM’s missionary ministry working alongside Jamaican Christian leaders, contact us today.
Music instructors with a bachelor’s degree or higher are needed in Baptist theological schools in Cuzco, and in Trujillo, Peru. You will also enjoy many opportunities for ministry in local churches in the area. Situated on the West Coast of South America, Peru is made up of Spanish speakers as well as other ethnic groups like the Quechua people. It contains large cities but also neighbors remote, jungle regions where there is a great need for churches. BMM’s two Bible college ministries support the church planting efforts all across this region, even beyond Peru’s borders.
Have you dreamed of using your love and skill in music on the mission field? Do you also have a deep desire to see lives changed through your faithful witness? Consider Peru today!
As one who knows and uses the English language, you have a commodity the whole world is after. Why not use that gift as a means of reaching people for Christ? Take 6 months to 2 years working alongside church-planting mission teams in Brazil both improving someone’s future prospects by teaching them English and impacting them through the gospel. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins more and more to touch the world. Your ministry of evangelism and discipleship through English teaching can play a big part of that impact. If you are eager to put your training to practice while being surrounded by veteran missionaries, contact us today about this opportunity.
As one who knows and uses the English language, you have a commodity the whole world is after. Why not use that gift as a means of reaching people for Christ? Complete your English teaching internship by working alongside church-planting mission teams in Brazil both improving someone’s future prospects by teaching them English and impacting them through the gospel. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins more and more to touch the world. Your ministry of evangelism and discipleship through English teaching can play a big part of that impact. If you are eager to put your training to practice while being surrounded by veteran missionaries, contact us today about this opportunity.
Theological professors with advanced degrees are needed for the Bible college in Trujillo, Peru, to help start masters level instruction. You will also enjoy many opportunities for ministry in local churches in the area. Situated on the West Coast of South America, Peru is made up of Spanish speakers as well as other ethnic groups. It contains large cities but also neighbors remote, jungle regions where there is a great need for churches. The Bible college ministry in Trujillo supports the church planting efforts all across this region, even beyond Peru’s borders.
The gospel is spreading in Peru through missionaries and through the faithful witness of Peruvians. They need training in the Word to establish biblical churches that will reproduce themselves. If you are a qualified theology teacher and that vision draws your attention, why not consider Peru? Complete a Next Steps form today!
Individual/ Couple
Dominican Republic
BMM’s growing seminary ministry in the DR is seeking theological instructors with master’s degrees. You will join a dynamic team of missionaries that works closely with Dominican church leaders.
The DR’s population varies in education level and economic status, but opportunities abound for gospel ministry to flourish among all its peoples. This Spanish-speaking population is predominantly Catholic, but many of the people’s disillusionment with the Catholic Church is growing, opening doors for the true gospel to take root.
Dominican pastors are eager to reach their people with the help of teachers and mentors.
If this opportunity excites you, take next steps to being a part of it today.