It’s a shocking fact: North America is the largest unchurched English-speaking mission field in the world, the only continent where Christianity is not growing. Each year thousands of churches close their doors. At the same time, millions of immigrants arrive on our shores. We’re facing a critical need to pursue missions right where we live.
Alaska, meaning “Great Land,” is a place with a great need to share Jesus Christ among the urban and rural populations and in the bush villages.
Campus ministries hold tremendous potential. Both North American and International students often take the gospel back to their homelands, even to places where missionaries cannot go.
As one of the world’s most ethnically diverse nations, Canada offers boundless innovative means for reaching people arriving from countries encircling the globe.
Every year, Christianity steadily declines in North America, even as more people who have never heard the gospel immigrate to our shores. Church planting and discipleship are essential those right on our doorsteps.
Many consider Hawaii to be a tropical paradise. Few think of it as the multicultural mission field it is. Find how you can reactivate Hawaii as a BMM mission field.
Even though Jewish people live in neighborhoods with Bible-believing churches, they remain largely untouched by serious evangelistic effort!
Explore the possibilities of this fast-growing country that's home to one of the world's largest metropolitan areas, Mexico City.
Did you know that BMM has a beautiful, affordable, and caring retirement community meeting the needs of retired Christian servants?
Mormonism, officially known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, ranks among the six largest religious bodies in America.
Over 570 Native American nations are recognized in the US and more than 630 First Nations groups in Canada. Their spiritual needs represent a mission field right on our doorstep.
North America is the largest unchurched English-speaking mission field in the world. Only China and India have larger populations of non-Christians.
Individual/ Couple
United States
An assistant church planter, with cross-cultural experience, is needed for youth ministry, camp administration, and property maintenance among Native Americans in New Mexico. The ministry has a variety of needs, so those who are flexible and willing to do what is needed most are welcome to apply. Visit the Native American Ministries page to read more ways to be involved. North America- Native American Ministries
North America’s native population suffers the effects of alcoholism, high suicide rates, and spiritual confusion. In many ways, it seems they have become a forgotten people both to the church and the world at large.
Join the faithful workers who are addressing these needs. Your willing and faithful gospel ministry will make a difference by God’s help. Take steps to reach these neighboring Native American groups today!
Several positions needed, including a nurse/ first aide specialist, cook/cooking help, a games/skit/activity director, 4 female and 4 male counselors (preferably college aged) and a group leader (often it's a married couple) for a camp ministry held annually in June in New Mexico.
The campuses of the US are frontiers of gospel ministry. Join a Campus Bible Fellowship missionary to hold weekly Bible studies, offer hospitality ministries, gain experience in one-on-one discipleship, and much more. The university campus is a ripe opportunity where young minds exploring life’s most difficult questions come together with openness and willingness to engage with the gospel. Also, most campuses have a bustling population of international students who need help navigating the new culture to which they have come and, most importantly, need Christ. You can touch the world through campus ministry simply by joining a missionary serving in your own country. If you are searching for God’s place for you in His harvest or simply have 6 months to 2 years available for this cause, please contact us today.
Politics aside, the reality is that the Hispanic population in the US is growing. That translates into huge opportunities for evangelism and discipleship. BMM is searching for church planters who know or are willing to learn Spanish to address this pressing need. Either join a team already established or strategize along with BMM’s Team North America to find the next city to reach this people group.
Perhaps God has blessed you with fluency in Spanish, or perhaps he has simply burdened your heart to reach Hispanics. If you are a qualified church planter or can assist in the church planting process, please contact us today.
BMM needs help working among the Mormons in Utah. Team North America envisions mobilizing couples and individuals to plant churches in strategic areas of the state.
Just over 50% of Utah’s 3 million residents claim to be Mormons. Further, Utah is the least evangelical state in the US. There is also a growing population of professionals who claim no religion at all. There is room for laborers of all sorts in this team. Consider taking your marketable skill to Utah to find a job and participate in lay ministry. If you have ministry training and desire to be involved directly in church planting, there is so much new ground to break. If God is leading contact us today.
BMM Alaska is seeking church planters to evangelize hard-to-reach villages in what is called “Bush Alaska.” There are fewer miles of road in all of Alaska than in the state of Maine. That’s saying something, since you can fit almost three states the size of Texas in one Alaska! But far beyond all those roads are many Alaskan native villages, many of which existed before Alaska became a state. These people consist of three main people groups, Eskimo, Athabaskan and Aleut. There are hundreds of native villages scattered throughout Alaska. The population of these villages range from 25 to 1500 people. While there is a great diversity among these villages in culture, population, and location, one thing is common among them all. They need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Contact us today to learn more.
Join an active team of missionaries to strengthen the inner-city church plant of Cleveland, Ohio. Perhaps you have a burden for reaching inner-city groups in the US. Learn the ropes of this unique ministry that employs various means to reach out and love the neighboring people of central Cleveland. The church plant runs a medical clinic, clothing distribution ministry, crisis pregnancy center, and various other services that earn them a caring and helpful reputation. The church focuses on discipleship and Bible teaching to anchor those in attendance in the Word. America’s cities can be dark and full of crime and abuses of various kinds. Yet, BMM’s inner-city ministry shines a light of hope and model’s Christ’s love and saving message to the many that walk past its doors.
If you would like to participate in this important work, contact us today through the Next Steps form.
Because the multicultural mosaic of Canada offers boundless innovative means for reaching people arriving from countries encircling the globe, the window of opportunity to see souls saved and churches planted in Canada is opened like never before. Many cities in Canada have no independent Baptist churches. Because local churches are the framework for ministries of all types, BMM is looking for new missionaries to begin innovative church-planting works and to expand collaborative ministries into provinces and territories not entered previously for the glory of God. While time is necessary for you to acquire cultural experience and to plan your ministry accordingly, ministering in English-speaking Canada doesn’t require language study. You can make a gospel impact in Canada and offer much-needed help to other BMM missionaries. Contact us today!
BMM is seeking those who will plant churches in French-speaking areas of New Brunswick and Quebec. Join others already at work on the field or consider opening works in places yet reached. Many cities in French-speaking Canada have no independent Baptist churches. Because local churches are the framework for ministries of all types, BMM has prioritized innovative church-planting works and collaborative ministries into provinces and territories not entered previously for the glory of God. If this ministry interests you, don’t delay further. Contact us today.
BMM is seeking church planters to reach the many Hawaiians that do not know Christ as Savior and to develop faithful Hawaiian Baptist churches. Those qualified through ministry training and experience should contact us to learn more.
Because of Hawaii's strategic location, ministry in Hawaii opens doors to ministry in the Pacific island nations also. The Pacific region is made up of very large and very small island nations with a dire need for the gospel. Some of the region is English-speaking allowing you to begin learning the culture right away and to start your ministry sooner rather than later.
Hawaiians are among these lost islanders. You can address this need through faithful and humble missionary service. Contact us today to learn more.
Strategic partnerships between missionaries and national church leaders present the next chapter of missions in Mexico. There is still a need for churches to be planted and biblical discipleship in this needy place. Did you know that while a large majority of Mexicans claim to be Catholic, only 15% of Catholics in Mexico practice their religion consistently? The door remains open to win Mexicans to Christ. Missionaries face significant obstacles with rising crime and social dynamics, but God is working.
If you desire to minister in a Spanish-speaking context in highly populated urban-centers or in more rural settings, consider Mexico. You can be used of the Lord to bring Him glory among Mexicans.
Missions in your own backyard – that is what could be said of opportunities to serve with BMM in North America. BMM workers are spread from coast to coast in the US and Canada reaching communities for the gospel. You will join an operating team in one of our ministry locations to contribute to the work in whatever ways are needed. Children’s ministry, evangelism and discipleship, creative outreach, VBS, and many more opportunities characterize these needy works. This is a wonderful way to gain more experience in ministry and missions whatever God has for you in the future. As a believer, God has gifted you for ministry. Why not use it to encourage missionaries and reach unbelievers in the cities of the US and Canada? Contact us today for more information.
United States
An internship is available at Missionary Acres. There would be an incredible range of opportunities available in such a program from local church ministry, construction and maintenance, to personal ministry involvement with our residents. Located in the Ozark Mountain foothills of Missouri, Missionary Acres is a beautiful, affordable, and caring retirement community. Missionary Acres’ mission is to care for God’s servants who have given much to fulfill the Great Commission.
Individual/ Couple
United States
The growing and exciting work of EBI, BMM’s Spanish publications ministry, is in need of your graphic design skills. Consider participating short-term in a ministry that is putting biblically sound material at the fingertips of the world’s nearly 500 million Spanish speakers. Help create design layouts for book covers, interior graphics, and promotional materials for EBI publications. EBI is based in Sebring, FL. While work at the EBI office is preferred, it is not obligatory. A working knowledge of Spanish is needed. Be a part of reaching Hispanics today. Please contact us for more details.
Individual/ Couple
United States
God wants to use your media design skills for His glory. Consider participating short-term in a ministry that is putting biblically sound material at the fingertips of the world’s nearly 500 million Spanish speakers. EBI, BMM’s Spanish publications ministry needs short-term missionaries skilled in media design. Examples of design projects include design layout of product exhibits, displays, or promotional materials for use on the web page and social media. EBI is based in Sebring, FL. You will join a team of skilled and passionate missionaries with years of experience reaching people in Latin America. This ministry touches lives from the busy streets of Lima, Peru, to the deep jungles of Ecuador, and many places in between. While work at the EBI office is preferred, it is not obligatory. Working knowledge of Spanish is needed. Contact us today for more details.
Workers are needed to reach Jewish communities in metropolitan areas in Canada. BMM is looking for team players who are particularly burdened for Jewish people and will build relationships among them to evangelize. The goal is to develop a Jewish ministry as an extension of an existing church.
Over six million Jewish people make their home in North America, which is more than 40 percent of the world’s Jewish population. Typically concentrated in urban areas, these precious souls remain lost and in need of faithful and loving witnesses to lead them to the truth.
Be one that will patiently minister to those whose ancestors made up God’s chosen people who rejected their Messiah. Follow God’s call to make disciples by reaching Jews for him in Canada’s cities.
Workers are needed to reach Jewish communities in metropolitan areas of the US. BMM is looking for team players who are particularly burdened for Jewish people and will build relationships among them to evangelize. The goal is to develop a Jewish ministry as an extension of an existing church.
Over six million Jewish people make their home in North America, which is more than 40 percent of the world’s Jewish population. Typically concentrated in urban areas, these precious souls remain lost and in need of faithful and loving witnesses to lead them to the truth.
Be one that will patiently minister to those whose ancestors made up God’s chosen people who rejected their Messiah. Follow God’s call to make disciples by reaching Jews for him in US cities.
Campus Bible Fellowship is seeking workers to reach the student population of Canada that is in desperate need of biblical truth. Workers will lead Bible studies and engage in regular evangelism and discipleship on campuses in Canadian cities. College campuses in Canada host hundreds of thousands who are believing the lies of modern secular thought. Plus, on most campuses there is an international student population that also needs Christ, and many of whom are from countries where the Bible is forbidden.
Live out your calling as a believer in Christ shaping young minds with the life-changing message of Christ. Contact us today to begin your journey of campus evangelism, a journey we would be delighted to take with you.
BMM Team North America is seeking workers to reach Muslims in metropolitan areas in Canada. We are looking for those willing to cast a vision and develop a team who will build relationships in a community, evangelize, and potentially create a campus ministry. The goal is to contribute to a church plant or to strengthen an existing church in these areas.
The Muslim population of Canada is growing due in large part to increasing immigration from Muslim majority nations. The time is now to reach these needy people. Contact us today if you are interested in knowing more.
Workers are needed to join a team of gospel-proclaiming missionaries befriending, helping, and loving international students and workers in Boston. Building relationships with the diverse peoples around them, the Boston and Beyond team holds Bible studies and church events to reach the Boston community and beyond. Because large cities consist of immigrant communities, internationally integrated businesses, and globally connected universities, these cities are strategic hot spots for Great Commission ministry. In Boston on any particular day, our team can touch any part of the world. If you enjoy spending time with people and patiently sharing Christ with them, this ministry will fit your desires well. Complete the Next Steps form today to learn more.
Skilled laborers such as carpenters, construction, etc. are needed to assist with remodeling projects, building houses, and other projects on the Missionary Acres property. Located in the Ozark Mountain foothills of Missouri, Missionary Acres is a beautiful, affordable, and caring retirement community. Missionary Acres’ mission is to care for God’s servants who have given much to fulfill the Great Commission.
Campus Bible Fellowship is seeking workers to reach a population of the US that is in desperate need of biblical truth. Workers will lead Bible studies and engage in regular evangelism and discipleship on campuses across the US. A particular need exists in the Southwest United States, Florida, and Indiana. College campuses of the US host hundreds of thousands who are believing the lies of modern secular thought. Plus, on every campus of the US there is an international student population who also need Christ, and many of whom are from countries where the Bible is forbidden.
Live out your calling as a believer in Christ shaping young minds with the life-changing message of Christ. Contact us today to begin your journey of campus evangelism, a journey we would be delighted to take with you.
Individual/ Couple
United States
Would you like to use your skills in video media for God’s glory? Consider participating short-term in a ministry that is putting biblically sound material at the fingertips of the world’s nearly 500 million Spanish speakers. Videographers are needed to create promotional videos, to provide technical support for webinars, and to create social media content. EBI is BMM’s Spanish publications ministry based in Sebring, FL. You will join a team of skilled and passionate missionaries. Located in the US, this ministry touches lives from the busy streets of Lima, Peru, to the deep jungles of Ecuador, and many places in between. While work on site at the EBI office is preferred, it is not obligatory. A working knowledge of Spanish is preferred. Your help can be instrumental to the future growth of EBI’s reach. Perhaps you have unplanned time off or are between jobs. Maybe God is directing you to be more involved in missions. God can use you at EBI! Please contact us for more information.
Willing individuals as well as youth groups or other church groups are welcomed at Missionary Acres. Missionary Acres works with all types of volunteers from teenagers to seniors. As long as there is a willingness to come and work and be a blessing, Missionary Acres can use the help. To have a proficient skill level is not necessary. There are always jobs that need to be done that do not require a great level of skill. Contact us today to begin planning your ministry project alongside a wonderful group of God’s servants at Missionary Acres. Located in the Ozark Mountain foothills of Missouri, Missionary Acres is a beautiful, affordable, and caring retirement community. Missionary Acres’ mission is to care for God’s servants who have given much to fulfill the Great Commission.