Mormon Focus Ministries

North America

The 500-mile radius around Salt Lake City is home to many Mormons, or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since 1967, Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries have focused on reaching these people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Churches have been planted with the emphasis on reaching people through personal evangelism. BMM missionaries have also been involved in a variety of other ministries including camp, children and youth, home Bible studies, hospitality, police chaplaincy, moms’ groups, and volunteering in the community.

Through a strong belief that the gospel is the power of God to salvation, BMM missionaries have focused on sharing biblical truth with their Latter-day Saint neighbors and friends. God is honored when His Word is proclaimed, and He has used redeemed men and women to share His grace with people who are blinded by Satan. Utah is often seen as a challenging place to church plant, but the gospel is transforming lives—one at a time.

As you ask, “What can I do to promote the cause of Christ in the Intermountain West?” contact Baptist Mid-Missions for helpful information. You can make a difference!

Workers needed

Church-planting missionaries, short-term missionaries, and tentmaker singles and couples are needed for church-planting teams in Utah and surrounding states. Opportunities are also available for working with campus missionaries and Spanish church-planting missionaries.

View the Mormon Focus Utah video here.

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