
WR Ukraine 102
January 31

Learn about World Relief efforts in Ukraine, hurricane-affected areas, and other areas of the world. Your gifts are needed as much as ever to help our missionaries and trusted contacts deliver relief to the hurting people around the world.

Rhema Bible readers 2024 TN
January 21

Have you ever seen people not paying attention at church? A Bibles International missionary saw this recently, but the reason gave her a big smile.

The Reward Unseen TN
November 13

Read the remarkable story of BMM founder William Haas in the new book, the Reward Unseen. Available in print and e-book formats.

Mark and Katherine TN
November 7

In a Creative Access Nation, God used a dengue fever outbreak to lead a missionary to a couple who had been searching for truth.

Praying over Petersons TN
September 20

Looking for ways your church can better support the missionaries you send? Bibles International missionaries Isaiah and Rosanna Peterson share several ways their sending church has upheld them in their missions journey:

Spr21 CAN TN
August 19

The heart of God longs for all nations to know His salvation, even if those nations are restricted.

Treasurer24 TN
July 15

Baptist Mid-Missions seeks qualified applicants for the position of Treasurer to fill an upcoming opening in its Global Ministry Center.

Alpha Albrights
March 11

This outspoken but generous-hearted 104-year-old rescued Kent and Belén Albright when they were young, struggling missionaries.

Message Star TN2
January 26

The beautiful Moravian star: this unique Christmas icon points Renate Reiner to the star of Bethlehem—and reminds her of the reason she serves the Lord.

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