Africa has traditionally been rural, and opportunities still abound in village communities. Two major trends over the last several decades have been high population growth and urbanization. More than 50 percent of Africans live in cities, creating enormous potential for bringing Christ to Africa’s urban centers.
Our ministry team is focusing on educating and equipping national leaders through discipleship, mentoring, and ministry training to lead and plant new churches.
The church in CAR has an overwhelming need for African and missionary personnel to plant new churches, train leadership, work with youth, and conduct medical ministry.
This predominately Muslim nation has opportunities for ministry in the lesser-reached northern and eastern regions. Church planters, Bible school and theological instructors, and Bible translators are needed throughout the country.
Missionaries are needed to expand our current Bible institute and youth ministry in San Pedro and to launch ministries in dynamic partnership with national leaders.
Missionaries with a heart for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting can enter the country through work in education, medicine, IT and other skills.
Much of Ghana remains without a gospel witness or Bible-preaching churches. Educators, medical personnel, and youth workers will also find many opportunities in Ghana.
Kenya has a large population of nominal Christians in every level of society. Missionary teams are needed to plant solidly biblical churches and to develop discipleship and campus ministries.
In-depth work in Liberia has produced many churches and support ministries. Missionaries will find opportunities to train future church leaders and develop missionary/national church-planting teams.
BMM's work in Mozambique started as a partnership between Brazilian and American missionaries. More church planters are needed to join the team, with future potential for Bible institutes, camps, and other ministries.
Known as the "Rainbow Nation," South Africans comprise multiple races and religions. Even their Christian community is a melting pot of denominations and perspectives. Church planters are needed to establish biblical churches.
Zambia has been considered a Christian nation, but most Zambians hold a very ecumenical mindset. Opportunities exist for church-planting missionaries to establish solidly biblical testimonies throughout Zambia.
BMM helps to lead a Bible institute in Ghana which needs instructors with postgraduate degrees. Help is needed teaching Bible and ministry courses to prepare the next generation of Africa’s church leaders. Located in North Ghana, the institute serves the regions rural believers. However, students come from other regions of Africa to receive quality education.
Ghana is blessed with stability and influence in the region making the Ghanaian church a strategic tool to reach the continent’s more oppressed and closed regions.
If you want to make a difference using your training and experience, contact us today about theological education in Ghana.
For strategic investment in future Ivorian ministry workers, the Ivory Coast Theological Institute offers a one-year Bible certificate, three-year biblical studies diploma, and a four-year pastoral studies diploma. The past missionary and national church leaders see the institute as essential to the expansion of the gospel in Ivory Coast. A range of needs exists in teaching Bible and ministry classes. Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) is a French-speaking nation in West Africa with a blessed heritage of missionary work. Now, Ivorians are carrying the torch, but Western missionary partners still have a vital role to play contributing to church planting and discipleship efforts. Be used of God to reach Muslim people as well as Ivorians from other backgrounds in this strategic place. Contact us today.
The African continent is changing. Extremists in the North continue to seek more territory pressing south. Large populations of African villagers are moving into the continent’s cities making them some of the fastest growing cities in the world. Simultaneously, false Christianity is spreading fast. BMM’s missionary teams in Africa need your help. Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya, and Zambia, for example, are largely English-speaking countries where our mission teams minister. You could jump into the work in these places offering immediate help and having opportunity to affect lives. Other non-English speaking contexts are available, too, where you can learn language for some months, then have some short-term ministry. Consider putting your skills and ministry heart to work alongside a mission team in Africa. Contact us today.
Church planters are needed to further reach out with the gospel and establish Bible-preaching Baptist churches in Botswana. Church planters can build on past mission work here partnering with local church leaders, or new works can be established. BMM is seeking those that are trained in ministry and experienced to reactivate this African field.
The African continent is changing. Extremists in the north continue to seek more territory pressing south. Large populations of African villagers are moving into the continent’s cities, making them some of the fastest growing cities in the world. Simultaneously, false Christianity is spreading quickly. Add to these continental factors the high rate of HIV/AIDS in Botswana, and you find a land hurting and in need of Christ.
If you are seeking a new ministry breaking ground for the planting of the gospel and the future spread of biblical Christianity in Botswana, follow Christ’s call. We are eager to help you and to discuss next steps. Contact us today.
Work with Chadian nationals and American missionaries to plant churches in this enormous central African nation. Though Chad has a rich history of missions, the Chadian church still needs our help. Strategic partnerships are the next chapter of missions in Chad. Chad is a predominately Muslim country that yet permits missions and offers a degree of religious freedom. The BMM ministry team envisions a team of missionaries working with Chadians in medical missions, ESL training, theological education, youth ministry, and Bible translation to continue to meet the needs here. These ministries all center in the foundational work of church planting, and all effort must be made while the country remains “open.” If you are trained in ministry and prepared for a lifetime of service in Africa, contact us through the Next Step form today.
Join an experienced missionary family in Kenya to start another church in a fertile area for the gospel. God has done exciting things in other church plants, yet dark areas still exist in cities across Western Kenya.
The African continent is changing. Extremists in the north continue to seek more territory pressing south. Large populations of African villagers are moving into the continent’s cities making them some of the fastest growing cities in the world. Simultaneously, false Christianity is spreading fast.
The primary language of Kenya is English allowing you to jump into ministry sooner. Start today so you can acquire the cultural learning necessary to minister effectively. BMM Kenya needs your help. Contact us today!
Liberia needs missionaries who will work strategically with national believers to plant churches. Missionary church planters willing to plant churches with Liberian church planters will help to expand the reach of the gospel.
BMM has been working in Liberia for decades, and much fruit exists yet today to God’s glory. However, tribal religion mixed with Islam in parts of the country and with Christianity in other parts continues to carry sway. War and disease have been used of Satan to strongly affect this population of nearly 5 million.
If you desire to put servant leadership into practice on the mission field of West Africa, Liberia is worth strong consideration. Churches are needed and nationals need equipping and partnership to see the gospel advance in Liberia. Contact us today.
Join a church planting team to reach this poor and dark nation. Join a Brazillian-American team of gospel workers to strengthen the current strategy of church planting. As the works progress, the team hopes to partner in Bible institutes, camps, and other ministries. Missionaries will need to learn both Portuguese and Shangana, the main street language in the area of our church plants. The African continent is changing. Extremists in the north continue to seek more territory pressing south. Large populations of African villagers are moving into the continent’s cities making them some of the fastest growing cities in the world. Simultaneously, false Christianity is spreading fast. BMM’s missionary teams in Africa need your help. If you are a team-oriented servant willing to work with Brazilian and American colleagues, Mozambique is a good fit for you. Contact us today!
Church planters are needed to address the spiritual needs of the diverse country of South Africa. Missionaries will have opportunities among a variety of ethnic and socio-economic groups requiring a diligent application of biblical ministry principles to a diverse society.
While many South Africans would consider themselves Christians of various kinds, the number adhering to conservative, biblical Christianity is relatively small. Being one of the more stable countries of Africa, South Africa holds great potential for spiritual influence both on the African continent and beyond.
Be used of God to develop reproducing churches that will influence surrounding towns, neighboring countries, and even unreached peoples around the world.
In a region with many influences, including Islam, church planting remains the biblical mandate and need in Ivory Coast. BMM desires church planters to work with or alongside of Ivorian believers to reach areas yet in need of biblical churches.
Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) is a French-speaking nation in West Africa with a blessed heritage of missionary work. Now, Ivorians are carrying the torch, but Western missionary partners still have a vital role to play contributing to church planting and discipleship efforts.
Those with willingness to adapt and practice servant leadership in missionary outreach in Cote d’Ivoire will see God use them. If you are interested in investing your relationships, time, and passions to minister here, contact us today. We would love to explore plans for launching your ministry in Ivory Coast.
Because many lost souls need to be reached and much potential exists for Zambian Christian influence in Africa, BMM Zambia is seeking faith-filled church planters.
Assist in the existing church planting work happening in several places or launch out to start a new work. Be ready to partner with Zambian nationals and a missionary team for maximum impact.
A “Christian nation,” in terms of the country’s president, Zambia has a long way to go spiritually. Zambia is located in southcentral Africa and has English as its official language, though several local languages across the nation are in use.
Your devoted service is needed. If you are ready for service in the heart of Africa and believe God is leading, please contact us through the Next Steps form today.
First Look at Ghana (FLAG) is a four-to-six-week internship allowing you to experience a taste of Africa's diverse ambiance, deep traditions, and immense need for discipleship. As a FLAG intern you will experience missions ministry in a variety of settings in Ghana. You will minister in the booming capital city of Accra, one of Africa’s missions frontiers. You will also experience ministry in a more remote setting north of Accra where our missionaries are involved in a Bible institute and a Christian primary school.
The cost of the trip is set upon approval due to varying airfare costs (this includes airfare, food, lodging and in-country travel). There is an additional $40.00 nonrefundable application fee. Passport fees, and spending money for outings, gifts, and souvenirs are separate. Don’t miss out on a life-changing experience!
Individual/ Couple
Assist in the operation of a ministry bringing hope to children and youth in a war-torn nation. BMM is offering basic care and education to many orphaned or temporarily displaced youth while training them up in the truths of Scripture. The work is hard and often emotionally stretching, but the gospel is reaching these youth and making a difference. The work is varied and opportunities are many. You may teach English, care for physical needs, and share Christ with a dear soul that has never heard of Him, all in the same day. The goal of the ministry is to see Ethiopian churches started and youth prepared to make a difference in their country.
Ethiopia is an ancient society, but one that is scarred by tribal rivalries and violence. The government is not opposed to Christianity, however, and it often refers people to our ministry for care. Be a light in a dark place. Complete a Next Steps form today!
BMM Chad is seeking those that have a particular burden to reach Muslims for Christ. A predominately Muslim country, Chad permits missions and offers a degree of religious freedom. Though Chad has a rich history of missions, the Chadian church still needs our help. Strategic partnerships are the next chapter of missions in Chad. Therefore, your Muslim outreach ministry would contribute to the church planting effort in partnership with Chadian nationals and missionaries.
As Islam presses further and further south in Africa, will you be a part of the missionary force offering these precious souls hope through Christ? Consider joining our Chad team to make an impact in this region. Contact us through the Next Step form today.
An increasing demand for English exists in the country of Chad opening the door for using the teaching of English as a way of helping people succeed and developing a relationship with them. BMM Chad is seeking help in using this tool for outreach among the communities in which the missionaries work.
A predominately Muslim country, Chad permits missions and offers a degree of religious freedom. Though Chad has a rich history of missions, the Chadian church still needs our help. Strategic partnerships among missionaries and nationals are the next chapter of missions in Chad.
Teaching English as a ministry to Chadians will contribute to the foundational work of church planting. If you are seeking a place of missions ministry where you can use your training and passion for teaching English, consider Chad. Contact us through the Next Step form today.
Everybody wants to perfect their English skills! Here, especially with those who work in international commerce, the ministry is sought after by these professionals. Conversational English is taught using various themes, with an opportunity weekly to hear the Gospel and receive Gospel literature in English and French.
Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) is a French-speaking nation in West Africa with a blessed heritage of missionary work. Now, Ivorians are carrying the torch, but Western missionary partners still have a vital role to play contributing to church planting and discipleship efforts, especially as African cities are the fastest growing in the world.
You can have a gospel impact sooner than later. Follow Christ to the Ivory Coast and give your life to see Africans changed.
Individual/ Couple
Côte d’Ivoire
Youth ministry and sports are an important part of life and Benjy youth center has a unique evangelistic outreach through various weekly programs and a yearly basketball camp. Work in partnership with local churches and Ivorian pastors.
Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) is a French-speaking nation in West Africa with a blessed heritage of missionary work. Now, Ivorians are carrying the torch, but Western missionary partners still have a vital role to play contributing to church planting and discipleship efforts.
If you are a servant leader and eager to reach Africa for Christ, this opportunity deserves your prayerful consideration. Contact us today to learn more.