Zambia is a located in central southern Africa. It was formerly called Northern Rhodesia. Its present size is a little larger than the state of Texas. It gained independence in 1964. David Livingstone, the famous Scottish missionary, traveled through the region in the 1850s.
Since 1991, a professing believer has held the office of president in Zambia. In his inaugural address, he declared Zambia to be a Christian nation and claimed her people for the Lord. The people are open to listening and conversing about the Bible and Jesus Christ in both public and private settings. However, this receptivity is not particularly discerning and reflects a very ecumenical mindset.
Stephen and Ruth Bell entered the field in 1991. There are currently six established churches, along with several outreach and church planting efforts.
Additional church planters are needed to fulfill the ministry goals of BMM in Zambia.
Because many lost souls need to be reached and much potential exists for Zambian Christian influence in Africa, BMM Zambia is seeking faith-filled church planters.
Assist in the existing church planting work happening in several places or launch out to start a new work. Be ready to partner with Zambian nationals and a missionary team for maximum impact.
A “Christian nation,” in terms of the country’s president, Zambia has a long way to go spiritually. Zambia is located in southcentral Africa and has English as its official language, though several local languages across the nation are in use.
Your devoted service is needed. If you are ready for service in the heart of Africa and believe God is leading, please contact us through the Next Steps form today.