Although Christianity was introduced more than a century ago, many Pacific islanders are nominal Christians or have turned their attention to other religions. The work in the Pacific is far from over. Churches must be established that result in genuine believers who replicate biblical Christianity in their cultures.
Australia has always been a land of immigrants, and metropolitan Melbourne is a vast multicultural mission field. Workers are needed to reach these people with the gospel and press on in the face of Australians’ spiritual apathy.
Ministries focused towards specific cultural groups (Chuukese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino) provide a unique ministry opportunity on Guam, especially among young people.
New Zealand was once considered a Christian nation, but Kiwis are increasingly interested in other forms of spirituality outside of God and Christianity. We need long-term missionaries to establish churches that teach the Bible in a way that transforms lives.
Through extensive missionary work, 96 percent of islanders claim to be Christian, but true repentance and discipling are urgently needed. Church planters, Bible translators, and Bible institute and medical personnel will find many ministry opportunities.
BMM needs long-term missionaries in New Zealand to contribute to church planting. It takes time and patience to plant a church here, but many people hunger for sound Bible teaching. BMM New Zealand desires to teach the Bible clearly and patiently in a way that changes lives. The team has targeted about 10 communities that need biblical Baptist churches. Residents of New Zealand, called Kiwis, are increasingly apathetic to Christianity. About 15 percent attend church, many only occasionally. Their interests are in other, unbiblical forms of spirituality to fill the spiritual void in their lives. New Zealand is English-speaking allowing you to begin learning the culture right away and to start your ministry sooner rather than later. Your help is needed today. Follow Christ’s call and the promise of His help to New Zealand!
Experienced and trained church planters are needed to expand the work on Papua New Guinea (PNG). A survey that BMM conducted of PNG identified seven areas of the country open to church planters. We now need at least one veteran missionary couple to recruit and lead a team of 3-4 missionary couples/singles to continue to reach this needy nation.
While PNG has been the target of many mission efforts over the last century, many areas still exist where true Christianity has yet to take effect. True repentance and discipling are urgently needed.
Will you be one God uses to develop the future of the Melanesian church? Contact us today to start your next steps.
Oceana is made up of very large and very small island nations with a dire need for the gospel. Joining BMM short-term (6 months – 2 years) to work with a missionary team in the Pacific would open your eyes to the needs in this region for long-term church planting efforts. Some of the region (Guam, Australia, and New Zealand, for example) is English-speaking allowing you to begin learning the culture right away and to start your ministry sooner rather than later. If you are considering long-term missionary service in the Pacific, becoming a short-term missionary will give you experience and help you understand other ways you can prepare for a lifelong effective ministry there. Contact us today to get started!
BMM is seeking those that would follow in the footsteps of missionaries who made the gospel known to Pacific islanders. Church planters are needed who will commit to learning the culture and language necessary to do effective ministry here.
Oceana is made up of very large and very small island nations with a dire need for the gospel. Some of the region (Guam, Australia, and New Zealand, for example) is English-speaking allowing you to begin learning the culture right away and to start your ministry sooner rather than later. Follow God’s call to the nations and open your eyes to the needs of the Pacific islanders for Christ. Contact us today!
Youth outreach and discipleship workers are greatly needed to expand the church planting work of BMM missionaries in New Zealand. The team’s ambitious goal to plant churches in 10 communities that need biblical Baptist churches will take strategic outreach to young people. Already our missionaries reach youth through involvement in the public schools and in community and scholastic sports. So much more can be done.
About 15 percent of New Zealand’s population attend church, many only occasionally. Their interests are in other, unbiblical forms of spirituality to fill the spiritual void in their lives. New Zealand is English-speaking allowing you to begin learning the culture right away and to start your ministry to youth sooner rather than later.
Your help is needed, and the door is wide open. Take the next steps to serving by contacting us today.
Missionaries on Guam and throughout Micronesia need help reaching the islands’ youth. With transportation being limited on some islands individuals or couples could start bus/van ministries. In general, there is a need for basic youth outreach. Your youth ministry on Guam will reach kids who come from broken and disadvantaged homes and whose mentors in life are not teaching them the truth of Scripture. Guam and Micronesia hosts warm and receptive people, but much work is needed to reach them spiritually. While evangelical works are reaching Micronesians, many remain lost or misled by unbiblical doctrine. Be a light to the youth of Micronesia by contacting us today to learn more.