A long and bitter war finally gained Mozambique its independence in 1975 after 470 years as Portuguese colony. It was then one of the world’s poorest countries. Reforms have since stabilized the country; however, approximately 70 percent the population remains below the poverty level. Life expectancy is 40 years, and the HIV-infection rate is 12.2 percent.
The Marxist-Leninist state that gained power at Mozambique’s independence tried to stamp out all influence of religion. A brutal civil war and international pressure led to the introduction of a multi-party democracy in 1990. The Mozambican people now have religious freedom.
A mission agency begun by Baptist Mid-Missions churches in Brazil sent out its first missionary to Mozambique in 2001. This mission agency later approached BMM about forming a Brazilian/American partnership ministry to send teams to Mozambique. Brazil missionary Joel Troester and then-BMM Field Administrator for Africa, Rev. Vernon Rosenau, surveyed the field in August 2005. Mozambique officially became a BMM field that November.
We are planning for a true partnership ministry of sharing strengths, resources, and decision-making between American and Brazilian missionaries. We are starting with church planting, and as the works progress, we hope to partner in Bible institutes, camps, and other ministries.
We need additional church planting missionaries to join the team. Missionaries will need to learn both Portuguese and Shangana, the main street language in the area of our church plants.
Join a church planting team to reach this poor and dark nation. Join a Brazillian-American team of gospel workers to strengthen the current strategy of church planting. As the works progress, the team hopes to partner in Bible institutes, camps, and other ministries. Missionaries will need to learn both Portuguese and Shangana, the main street language in the area of our church plants. The African continent is changing. Extremists in the north continue to seek more territory pressing south. Large populations of African villagers are moving into the continent’s cities making them some of the fastest growing cities in the world. Simultaneously, false Christianity is spreading fast. BMM’s missionary teams in Africa need your help. If you are a team-oriented servant willing to work with Brazilian and American colleagues, Mozambique is a good fit for you. Contact us today!