Campus Bible Fellowship (CBF) is the university ministry of Baptist Mid-Missions. One of North America’s greatest missions fields today is the college campus! Young men and women, raised in a society with no absolutes, are searching for answers to life’s questions. Others have traveled from around the world, often from countries where the Bible is forbidden, to study in North America. They encounter radical political groups, gay/lesbian groups, the occult, Eastern religions, cults, and charismatic and New Age movements loudly proclaiming that they have the answer. How about God’s Word? Campus Bible Fellowship proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ and teaches the truths of the Bible to university students. Since 1966 God has been using CBF ministries in many locations to lead souls to Christ and to disciple believers into maturity.
Baptist Mid-Missions believes in the authority and responsibility of the local church. For this reason, Campus Bible Fellowship always works with independent Baptist churches to develop organized chapters on secular university campuses. Ministry opportunities include teaching Bible studies (group and individual), hospitality, ESL, organizing special events, visitation, and much more.
CBF presents the opportunity to serve in a strategic setting with a sound doctrinal foundation and approach to ministry. CBF National Coordinator Mike Keller is available to help you find out how you and your church can be part of or develop an effective ministry on a campus near you.
The following materials and resources are available:
Disciples in Deed--Discipleship lessons for new and growing Christians, available on CD
For information on ordering materials, contact
To find out more about Campus Bible Fellowship, visit our missionaries' website: