Known for its wonderful coffee, chocolate, and steak, Brazil is a country like no other. It is just as large as the continental United States and is remarkably diverse in its people as well as its terrain. It is known for its long, beautiful beaches, majestic mountains, and of course the Amazon River and its forests. The amazing Iguaçu Falls is also part of Brazil’s beauty. The people of Brazil are a mixture of European, African, and Asian descent. They are known for their loving, caring, fun spirit. Brazil has a young population with 37 percent under the age of 25.
Approximately 65 percent of Brazilians claim to be Catholic. Huge Catholic cathedrals are in each city. Spiritism is also quite common. Protestantism is growing, but most in this group would fall into the category of the health and prosperity gospel and charismatic churches. Many people have been hurt by these churches, making it harder for them to accept or embrace the true gospel when it is shared. Humanistic education, the internet, and materialism have also created a resistance to the gospel.
In 1935, Baptist Mid-Missions entered Brazil at two widely separated points: the city of Manaus in the Amazon valley and the city of Juazeiro do Norte in the state of Ceara in northeastern Brazil.
In the city of Manaus our missionaries immediately began a church-planting ministry. Shortly afterward, in 1941, they started an evening Bible institute. In 1947 this institute became the Amazonas Baptist Seminary.
In Juazeiro do Norte, churches and schools were also started. In 1946 missionaries founded the Cariri Baptist Seminary. In 1952 a language school for new missionaries and a MK school were developed in Fortaleza.
In 1951 Baptist Mid-Missions entered south Brazil, where its missionaries engaged in Jewish evangelism and a church-planting ministry in the city of São Paulo. Eventually the Brazil Field Council was divided into three regions: the North (Amazon) Region, the Northeast Region, and the South Region.
Current ministries in the Amazon Region include works in Rio Branco, Belem, Manaus, Itacoatiara, Boa Vista, and Santarem. Missionaries are involved in church planting, a seminary, an extension Bible institute, a bookstore, a Christian day school, Bible camps, ministries among the tribes, a state missions agency, and a state association of Regular Baptist churches.
Missionary outreaches in the Northeast Region are found in the states of Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia, and Alagoas. The thrust of the ministry is evangelism leading to the establishment of local churches. Auxiliary and specialty ministries are camp, seminary, building, language school, school for MKs, radio, and aviation.
In the South Region opportunities for ministry exist in both fast-paced megacites as well as in more rural areas. Church planting is ongoing in the cities of São Paulo, Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, Presidente Prudente, Diamantina, Jundiai, Londrina, and the greater Sorocaba area. Jewish evangelism takes place in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. We are thankful for our seminary in the city of Curitiba to help train our future pastors.
Theological education
Brazil is in harvest phase, and the time is now to reach people while they are open. With a retiring missionary force and with the many churches BMM has planted since the 1930s, special attention must be given to training Brazilian pastors and missionaries. Brazil is facing a much more complex religious scenario than when it was predominately Roman Catholic, and that also brings a greater need to give good training for future Brazilian pastors.
We need missionaries with high academic degrees to train professors for our Bible colleges. Apart from a one-year master’s degree, we are not yet able to help our Brazilian Bible college professors get higher levels of training here in Brazil. They often go to schools of other denominations for further training. Once Brazilians can train their own professors for such institutions, they will be prepared to take care of every aspect of ministry themselves.
Amazon region
Northeast Region
South Region
Be a church planter or partner with national workers to plant churches and evangelize needy areas of the country. A strong association of Brazilian churches with Brazilian pastors is in place. Our Brazilian colleagues are eager to partner together to expand the reach of the gospel both in Brazil and around the world. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins to touch the world. Why don’t you consider being a part of the swelling impact Brazilian churches will have on the world moving forward? Consider joining an experienced team for the new chapter of missions in Brazil. Contact us today!
The Amazon, Northeast, and South regions of Brazil have Bible institutes and training centers which need new workers. Theological training is crucial for the health of the Brazilian church. Bible institute alumni become church planters and pastors in Brazil as well as missionaries sent out to places all over the world. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins more and more to touch the world. Why don’t you consider being a part of the swelling impact Brazilian churches will have on the world moving forward? Contact us today.
As one who knows and uses the English language, you have a commodity the whole world is after. Why not use that gift as a means of reaching people for Christ? Complete your English teaching internship by working alongside church-planting mission teams in Brazil both improving someone’s future prospects by teaching them English and impacting them through the gospel. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins more and more to touch the world. Your ministry of evangelism and discipleship through English teaching can play a big part of that impact. If you are eager to put your training to practice while being surrounded by veteran missionaries, contact us today about this opportunity.
As one who knows and uses the English language, you have a commodity the whole world is after. Why not use that gift as a means of reaching people for Christ? Take 6 months to 2 years working alongside church-planting mission teams in Brazil both improving someone’s future prospects by teaching them English and impacting them through the gospel. Brazil is a diverse landscape where BMM missionaries are working in both rural and metropolitan settings. Ministry teams partner with developed Brazilian churches and their leaders in church planting, theological education, Brazilian mission efforts, and other ministries. The future of the Brazilian church is bright as it begins more and more to touch the world. Your ministry of evangelism and discipleship through English teaching can play a big part of that impact. If you are eager to put your training to practice while being surrounded by veteran missionaries, contact us today about this opportunity.