Puerto Rico, only 1,000 miles from Miami, is politically and socially related to the United States. It is a lovely, mountain-graced island in the Caribbean. Nearly four million people are packed onto this island composed of only 5,325 square miles.
The dominant religion in Puerto Rico is Roman Catholicism.
In the early 1970s James and Janet Stinedurf and Theodore and Ruth Hummel joined Baptist Mid-Missions. They had previously worked in Puerto Rico with another mission agency. The Fundamental Baptist Church of Caguas was established, and churches were planted also in Cidra, Cayey, and Santa Isabel. Other missionaries transferred to Puerto Rico and were used of the Lord to start ministries in Trujillo Alto and Luquillo. The last BMM missionary couple left the island in 2010.
Many of the major cities and towns have no Baptist work of any kind. Puerto Rico represents a wide-open field for work in Spanish and English, not only in the San Juan metropolitan area but also in other cities and towns.
We currently have no missionaries in Puerto Rico, but missionaries who are burdened for this country will find opportunities to serve. Church planters are needed to plant Baptist churches, especially in the many areas lacking strong, Bible-preaching churches.
BMM is seeking church planters to reactivate missions ministry in Puerto Rico, especially in the many areas lacking strong, Bible-preaching churches. You will partner to some degree with Puerto Rican church leaders and carry out basic gospel outreach.
Puerto Rico hosts a heavily Roman Catholic population. Nearly four million people are packed onto this island composed of only 5,325 square miles.
Those trained in ministry and having experience will make a difference in this needy place. Contact us today if you are interested.