In political terms, the United Kingdom consists of Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) along with Northern Ireland and some smaller offshore islands.
Church attendance (among all denominations) in the United Kingdom is about six percent. The national church in England (Church of England/Anglican) is a Broad Church encompassing those who are theologically liberal, High Church (i.e. Anglo-Catholic), and evangelical.
The postmodern worldview that challenges the existence of absolute truth is prevalent. Islam has become a major feature of the British landscape. The largest Muslim mosque outside of Mecca is in London.
England—1972; Scotland—1979
In 1972 the John Kennedys (a Scottish couple who previously served with another agency in South America) began a ministry in Basingstoke. They started with a small Sunday School and home-based Sunday services, which eventually led to the formation of the West Basingstoke Baptist Church in 1976. Other works have been started by Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries in Andover, Bracknell, Hatfield, Ivybridge, Luton, and Milton Keynes. Of these churches, five are now functioning without missionary leadership.
The training of nationals at the local level is a vital part of ministry in England. A nonresidential Bible college with a three-year curriculum began operating in 1986. Laymen's Bible institutes are functioning in Basingstoke and Ivy Bridge.
In 1979, Jon and Isobel Dygert began the ministry in Falkirk, Scotland, near Edinburgh. The work grew slowly.
In 1983, another missionary couple transferred from England to Kilwinning. By 1985, a work in Troon (about nine miles south of Kilwinning) was started. The Dygerts took over the work in 1989 and organized the Troon Independent Baptist Church the same year. Some of the adults in the church are now assuming leadership roles.
The work in Falkirk was abandoned until 1998, when it was reinitiated by the Dygerts. This time the ministry progressed rapidly, and in 1999 the Independent Baptist Church of Falkirk was organized.
Another couple came to Ayr, beginning the Ayrshire Community Baptist Church in 1996. This church was turned over to a national pastor in January 2000.
In 2004 Glen and Tammy Galbraith arrived in the Aberdeen area and have seen very good progress. The Westhill Baptist Church was organized in September 2005, following their first baptism service.
The need for further evangelism and discipleship is great. Pastoral leaders, church planters, and disciplemakers will find opportunity to both minister with existing church plants and initiate new works.
We need servants who will team together to plant churches and assist existing churches. These will include those who may focus on university ministries, like Campus Bible Fellowship. Immigration from southern Asia increases the population of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists—a great opportunity for those burdened for specific people groups. Bible teachers will find opportunities to further develop the Bible college in England.
Partner with BMM to see struggling churches revitalized and new works started in this former bastion of evangelical Christianity. Help is needed to replace retiring missionaries and expand the work of BMM’s UK team in England, Scotland, and perhaps other areas.
Less than 7 percent of the population attends church at all, and there are hundreds of evangelical churches without a pastor. Six churches close every week.
Partner with experienced American missionaries and national church leaders to reach more cities and towns for Christ. If you are willing to patiently learn the way of life of the United Kingdom and apply the powerful Word of God in this context, complete a Next Steps form today.
The UK team is seeking individuals and couples who are passionate and skilled in reaching youth. Serve alongside a missionary church planter and expand his outreach ministry.
Less than 7 percent of the population of the UK attends church at all, and there are hundreds of evangelical churches without a pastor. Six churches close every week. The country is in desperate need of those that will befriend people and share Christ with them.
Partner with experienced American missionaries and national church leaders to reach British young people for Christ. Your help can make a difference in the UK. Contact us for more information.