The Christmas message is good news because it promises peace, a promise you and I need and a promise every one of earth’s eight billion souls needs. Have you noticed that peace is a prevalent theme in the Bible’s Christmas narrative? It is clear that the purpose of God in sending His Son to take on flesh was to bring lasting peace through the salvation that Jesus would bring through His death and resurrection, and this peace is offered to all.
Those of us that know that peace through a relationship with Christ are stewards of God’s grace that we must share with the world. Therefore, as a proclaimer of peace, consider these four aspects of this peace-filled message.
Proclaim Jesus as the only way to peace.
John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias, saw this promise unfolding when he prophesied that the Dayspring from on high is coming “to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79). As we anticipate the celebration of our Savior’s birth, we do well to seek peace in our souls and in our families through the Messiah. However, it shouldn’t stop there, rather it should be the message of our lips to the nations. As Paul urged the Corinthians, so we must urge others, “We implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20).
Proclaim joy for all peoples.
The angel announced to the shepherds, “good tidings of great joy . . . to all people” (Luke 2:10). In our society that lacks peace on every level—in our homes, our schools, our towns, our workplaces, our governments—we are in desperate need for some good news. This is not a message of short-lasting joy or temporary gladness; it’s the message of God made flesh, of Immanuel, of Jesus Christ, born to save us from our sins. Consider the places around the globe that barely recognize His name. Consider the nations where celebrating Christmas is illegal, or where the good tidings of Christ are muffled by the noisy crowds worshipping the idols of material possessions. Will you consider your role in announcing the good tidings of peace to a world that does not know Jesus Christ?
Proclaim true peace that reaches the strong and the weak.
Peace was the theme of the angel army when they shouted before the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:14). In His mercy God chose to reveal His divine plan to humble shepherds. Physically, they knew danger and understood risk. Socially, they may have known rejection from the common people of Judea. Yet in the babe in the manger they saw the One that would bring peace and security to them and to all people. They saw the Promised Messiah who would become the Good Shepherd. They were even emboldened to tell others the miracle they witnessed. Every person can enjoy that same glorious news. Though divine, Jesus offers every person, regardless of class or ethnicity, peace and goodwill. Proclaim His peace through Jesus Christ.
Proclaim a forever peace.
The prophecy of Christ said, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7a). The peace that comes through Christ is yours when you believe in Him alone for forgiveness of sins and eternal life. He was truly born to die, meaning that He came so that He could redeem us through His perfect sacrifice. However, that is not the end. From the beginning, He was meant to be Lord and King forever and ever. The peace that you taste now through a relationship with Jesus, though certainly true peace, is a peace that will be further perfected and demonstrated as you live forever as a glad subject of King Jesus, whose kingdom will have no end (Luke 1:33). Glorify God this Christmas! May His glory be known in all the earth!
Administrator for Church Relations and Enlistment
Travis Gravley & his wife Becky are former missionaries to Romania. He serves as BMM’s Administrator for Church Relations and Enlistment. Contact him at to learn more ways to serve.