Advance Magazine

Africa: Kenya and South Africa


It was a busy year for Stephen and Edna Muindi as they made progress on Eldoret Baptist Church’s new building and started a new church plant, Northview Baptist Church.

As with most BMM missionaries, they distributed relief aid this year. But they also continued their focus on evangelizing, edifying, establishing, and educating believers through leadership mentoring, marriage counseling, youth activities, and men’s and women’s fellowships.

In January, the Muindis enjoyed an encouraging visit from their BMM field administrator, Steve Gault.

South Africa

When their local high school contacted Herb and Janet Hunter about providing food for 12th-grade students (some of whose parents had lost their jobs because of shutdowns), the Hunters and their ministry teammates met spiritual needs at the same time. They printed gospel cards and cooked and boxed 85 meals in three weeks. One of Herb’s teammates set up an online chat so students could reach out to Herb for help dealing with depression and stress due to the lockdowns. Partnering with the local Rotary Club, the Hunters also delivered a large number of meals to others in their community. This ministry led to many conversations about Christ.

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Asia: Cambodia and Japan

Studying the Living Word in Cambodia and reaching people online in Japan

Europe: Netherlands and Germany

A rescheduled baptism in the Netherlands, and using billboards to reach Germans during lockdowns

South America: Brazil 1

The ministries of Mike and Dawn Jewell and Evandro and Erica da Silva

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