In February, Daniel and Heather Boyd’s church family in Bergen op Zoom repaired the home of a widow in their church. In April, after lockdowns, the Boyds delivered flowers to every church family. After each online church service, people clamored for fellowship with one another: “It was loud and sometimes chaotic, but it was so nice to see everyone’s face.”
In June and July, the church rescheduled their April baptism (delayed by lockdowns), splitting it into two events to comply with mandated group sizes.
By August, restrictions had eased, and they held their City Kids Program. Many attendees came from Muslim families and were very attentive. For the Boyds, it was a special blessing to watch their son Cole teach the memory verse and clearly communicate the gospel.
In Neumarkt, Mark and Leslie Boyd used billboards addressing virus fears as a way to direct people to their church and the hope offered by the gospel. The billboards read, “Do not fear, God desires to be with you. But how?” and included the church website. They also delivered masks and tracts to neighbors, which has resulted in greater ongoing contact with them.
Luke Snell’s midweek Bible studies in Oberpfraundorf saw three times the attendance as their in-person studies. Bethany Snell held socially distanced ladies’ studies when they were able to meet again.
The ministries of Terry and Jane Carruthers, Jim and Julie Leonard, and Heidi Van Dyke
Appointees starting out with our Spanish publications ministry and a retired Puerto Rico missionary reaching her community