Are you interested in Great Commission ministry but don't fit the traditional missions model?
Global Fit may be the option you've been looking for.
The Apostle Paul is the classic example of a missionary: serving full-time to spread the gospel and train believers in the faith. But from the beginning, God has used people like Gaius, Epaphroditus, Phoebe, and others who served in ways unique to their situation.
Without career missionaries like Paul, missions couldn't endure for the long haul. But people like Paul's companions play a vital role in the Great Commission. By working alongside career missionaries, they enable them to do far more.
Think about how Paul's associates contributed to his ministry. Their service looked different in a number of ways. To find your fit, consider four variables for serving in nontraditional missions:
This new service option opens the door wider on creative fulfillment of Great Commission ministry. It makes missionary service more possible for more people in more places. Consider these examples of how you could serve with Global Fit:
These are just a few examples—the possibilities are endless!
Global Fit missionaries onboard through a process very similar to career missionaries as they are sent out from their local churches. Learn about our values and beliefs here. Want even more information on Global Fit? Read more here.
If you're in full agreement with our beliefs and values and would like to explore Global Fit possibilities, fill out the form below: