The Lord graciously saved us both at a young age. We grew up attending the same church in upstate NY for most of our elementary and teen years. I, Aaron, have had an interest in aviation ever since I was a child. In high school the Lord began shaping those desires toward missionary aviation. The Lord allowed both of us to study at Bob Jones University. My wife, Rachel, graduated in 2013 with a degree in string pedagogy, and I graduated in 2021 with a degree in Ministry and Leadership. In 2016, the Lord led us to get married and move to the Greenville, SC area for me to finish up my education. Since then, the Lord has grown our family with the addition of Anna, James, and Melea.
God has continued to burden our hearts for ministry through involvement in neighborhood evangelism at our home church, Mount Calvary Baptist Church. After a mission trip to several bush villages in Alaska with Mike and Jeannette Clark, God increased our burden specifically for the people in these villages. We are excited at the thought of establishing relationships with these people, receiving flight training, and sharing the hope of the Gospel.