A missionary was walking the streets of Hato Mayor as the mid-morning sun was heating up. He was heading to the ball diamond. Despite the heat, the kids were playing. It was summertime in the Dominican Republic where the single, dominant activity involved a ball, a bat, and a neighborhood of boys. As he reached the outskirts of town, he found the well-worn path. The diamond was nearby, and he could hear the crowd of boys and the crack of the bat. He crested a small rise and saw a crowded field.
It would prove to be a field of opportunity. Gospel opportunity.
As he walked closer, a plan was forming in his mind. He knew that there was a special place in the heart of a boy for a man willing to play baseball with him. The invested time and shared love for the game could form a foundation of trust for the most vital message he could share with them: Jesus Christ came and died as their substitute to save them from the penalty of their sins.
Near the field was a Baptist church. He could picture teams of missions-minded men coming to coach the facets of the game: a pitching station, a batting station, a fielding station, and another station—a “gospel station” where the boys would hear of the Savior who had said, “Let the children come to me.” And there was a church where they could grow.
By God’s grace, during more than 15 years of ¡Playball! ministry, over 1,000 players have heard the gospel in three different Dominican towns. Many have put their faith in Jesus Christ and are now serving in nearby churches, where they are learning to follow the Lord.
Your gift to the Global Impact Fund will launch and sustain specialized ministries like ¡Playball! By giving, you accelerate the spread of the gospel far beyond the baseball fields and into every mission field where our missionaries are making Jesus Christ known. Please consider a generous gift today.
Through BMM Foundation’s Memorial Fund, you can give a lasting legacy by donating in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion. Gifts made to the Memorial Fund are invested and are used to provide services to missionaries, churches, and ministry partners.
In Memory of …
Andy Bidlen
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Matheny
Mike Brown
Ms. Susan Gehring
Al Casto
Mrs. Sharon Casto
Ruth Deckert
Ms. Debra Zeldenrust
Barbara Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gage III
Harris Family
Ms. Linda Taylor
Marjorie Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Simonson
Bea Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William Black
Mr. Rondell Guoan
Louis Van Houte
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ciavarelli
Jim Young
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Hendsbee
For nearly a year, BMM’s World Relief ministry has delivered assistance to these believers and many other needy people around the world.
The greatest life-changing event in the heart of any person is the moment they turn to Christ with repentant faith for eternal salvation.
Flavio chose the wrong road spiritual and morally, but God waited patiently for him to come home.