Several people have been credited with saying or writing some variation of the adage, “Work as if everything depends on you, but pray knowing that everything depends upon God.” That statement is a great reflection of how many in Baptist Mid-Missions approach their God-given ministry assignments.
Despite facing a second year of COVID-19-related challenges that, in most cases, are far more difficult on foreign soil than they are here in America, BMM missionaries have prayed, persevered, and approached ministry with passionate ingenuity. They have done so because the mandate to spread the gospel globally was not rescinded due to a pandemic. If anything, the number of people who have lost their lives, and those who live in constant fear of death, should cause all believers to redouble their efforts to reach the lost with the only message of hope—the gospel.
Our missionaries have worked hard and prayed even harder, and God has blessed in amazing ways. Take courage as you read the accounts of God’s work around the world. He is still answering prayer and doing amazing things in hearts and lives through the diligent efforts of His servants.
In July 2020, Dr. Patrick Odle became Baptist Mid-Missions’ ninth president. He came to his position with 26 years of pastoral experience and eight years as a BMM Council member, along with service as a vice president of Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary.
A mission church in northeast Brazil is coming back to life and reflecting the "light of the world" to their community and beyond.
God honored persistent prayer and brought unprecedented growth to a New Zealand church.