Unbroken Faithfulness

Adapted from the March 2021 prayer letter of Mark and Debbie Seymour. Formerly missionaries to Chad, the Seymours now serve in BMM’s Enlistment Department.

The Lord’s Faithfulness

The Bible speaks of God’s faithfulness: “… great is thy faithfulness; Thy faithfulness is unto all generations” (Lamentations 3:23b & Psalm 119:90a). Proverbs 20:6b asks, “But a faithful man who can find?” The two of us have pondered where we would be if someone before us had not been faithful. We thank our God for your faithful prayers upholding us in this ministry.

Traveling This Semester

As we traveled this winter to Bible colleges, God orchestrated that we would be at a new church in one campus area (new to us, as we had never attended there before). Since we planned to have lunch with several students after the service, and their pastor is a faithful BMM Council member, we attended that church. These students wanted to go to their Sunday School class, and we joined them even though we were old enough to be their grandparents!

After the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves, he informed the class that he was saved as a Peruvian child along with his family through BMM missionaries. How we rejoiced that a BMM missionary had been faithful to the Lord!! At the end of the class, another student told us that he was saved through a BMM missionary in his home country of Honduras. We had another time of praising the Lord for the faithfulness of our missionaries!

The chain of faithfulness

At lunch as we were chatting, a freshman from Peru informed us that she and her family had trusted Christ through BMM missionaries, and her family is still involved with a BMM ministry. Then on Monday night, when we spoke at the student missionary prayer band, we met a Brazilian student who was led to the Lord through BMM missionaries (and she’s still the only one saved in her family). We nearly exploded with praise to our heavenly Father from hearing all these testimonies! But we asked ourselves, “What if one person in this ‘chain’ had not been faithful?” May our Lord ever find all of us faithful!!

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