Sarah Weidner

20200831 172653

God called Sarah Weidner into missions at 13 when Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries, David and Ruth Kimmel, presented at her church's missions conference. They were on deputation to reach the Roma in Romania for Christ. God moved Sarah's heart, and at 16 years old, she stayed with the Kimmels for three weeks to observe their ministry. From that day forward, she prayed that God would send her to serve the Roma in Romania.

After college graduation, Sarah completed a six-month missions internship in southern Romania. In 2022, she returned to work with the BMM church-planting team in northwest Romania for a year. She is now on deputation to return to this ministry full-time.

Sarah is excited to use her experience in music to disciple new believers in how to serve God with their passions. She also looks forward to resuming her roles in various children's, youth, and educational ministries. The most crucial work that Sarah will return to is speaking the Truth of the Gospel into the lives of this neglected people group whom God so loves.

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