When I (Stan) was 12 years old, my biological father became my spiritual father when he introduced me to his Heavenly Father. Coming to know Him gave me a new thirst to know better the One who died for me. The reading of God’s Word fanned the burning coals of this desire that became a consuming fire of driving passion to serve Christ and make Him known. The passion became a laser-focused calling after hearing a straight-forward message on Colossians 1:28-29. Years later, after graduating from Bible college, pastoring two churches in the United States, reading biographies of believers, visiting Peru, and hours of reading and memorizing God’s Word, the Lord of the universe and the Savior of my soul took me out of my comfort zone and planted me in Peru with the same message, but in a different continent, country, language and culture. After several church plants in a span of 35 years, my wife Ruth and I have the goal of placing a radio station in cities all throughout Peru, helping pastors and local churches, and recording the same riveting, but no-less powerful, message I heard at 12 years of age.