By the grace of God, I grew up in an amazing, supportive, conservative Christian home. He saved me at age seven. By the grace of God, I had the privilege of a Christian education all the way from kindergarten to my Master’s Degree and was able to start Spanish classes in ninth grade. By the grace of God, my home church and family championed missions. My dad created over 100 missionary websites, and we always went to church early to help the missionaries set up their displays. By the grace of God, between my eighth and ninth grade years, He sent a Baptist Mid -Missions missionary from Perú to my church to preach. God called me to missions that night. By the grace of God, in 2008, after a year of deputation and 4 months of language school, He provided all my support and placed me on the BMM Cusco Team to serve Him. By the grace of God, since then, I have had the privilege of working with New Life Baptist Church, OANSA Kids' Club, and our Bible institute in Urubamba. By the grace of God, I am sharing God’s love in Perú.