Caleb and Missy Metzger

Metzger Caleb Missy

Caleb: My twin brother and I were born prematurely and with medical complications resulting in my brother's death at only 9 days old. This has caused me to know God has a special purpose for me. Though my parents faithfully served the Lord in Arizona as missionaries and then in pastoral ministry, I didn't accept Christ as Savior until age 16. God called me into missions in my mid-20s and showed me that I should go back to my dad’s native country of Germany.

Missy: My parents also faithfully served the Lord. After accepting Christ as a young girl, I determined as a teenager to follow His leading. I moved to Phoenix, and it was there, at our sending church, that we met.

Once married, we took a survey trip to Germany, and God used that trip to confirm His call. Although Germany has a long and rich religious history, it is spiritually dead, and only an estimated one percent of the population are evangelical Christians. However, God is doing a work here, especially among the young people. We are seeking to help spread the gospel by assisting in church planting.

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