Andrew: Jesus’ death and resurrection affected my life directly when I received the gift of forgiveness at age five. My church taught me to serve God, but I avoided conversations about doing something “crazy” like being a missionary. In high school, God gave me an interest in studying Japanese and then allowed me to travel to Japan on two mission trips during college and seminary. Consequently, I fell in love with the country and the people.
Janae: I also trusted Jesus as my Savior at an early age. My church and Bible camp helped me develop a deeper relationship with God and learn about serving Him full-time. Though I was an English education major in college, God gave me the opportunity to spend 11 months in Peru through BMM’s Arriba Program, where I experienced missions firsthand.
Through connections we had established in Japan, God opened the door for us to spend one year in Saitama, Japan, helping a BMM church plant. God used this experience to call us to full-time missions. In May 2018, we returned to Tokyo, Japan, to learn Japanese and to assist in a BMM church plant.