A missionary couple in a Creative Access Nation were told by a veteran missionary that you could count on one hand the number of people who had come to Christ in their country in the last 40 years. It bore testimony to the hold of Islam in their nation. By God’s grace, this BMM couple saw that number increase by one.
The woman who received Christ was so fearless about her new faith that she asked to be publicly baptized in her hometown. She faces tremendous persecution from her family, friends, and coworkers, yet she continues to boldly share her faith and invite people to church. She said,
“I don’t care what people think of me. All I care about is that Jesus has changed my life!”
In the last two years, the European country where Robert* and his family serve imposed tight pandemic restrictions, including 6:00 p.m. curfews and the closure of all sports facilities and restaurants. In spite of these limitations, they found abundant opportunities to share the gospel in 2021. Many of these opportunities came through another challenge in their lives: Robert’s ongoing cancer treatments and check-ups.
The Lord gives Robert regular divine appointments with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, aid-nurses, admin staff and patients, in addition to contacts in daily errands. During a hospital appointment in February, the Lord gave Robert three contacts. While sitting for a treatment, he got to know another patient. They were amazed at how they shared similar business careers (before God called Robert to missions). This connection allowed Robert to share how his life was transformed by Jesus.
When Robert learned that the lab secretary’s name was Eve, he asked her tongue-in-cheek if she was married to Adam. She smiled and said she had not found her Adam yet. This gave Robert an opportunity to tell her how to pray for a husband and to give his testimony.
Later, he met a hospital pharmacist who loves reading thrillers to escape the current stressful time. Robert introduced her to the best thriller ever, the Bible, and invited her to read it. The previous month, God also gave Robert divine appointments to share his testimony with a dozen other people at the hospital.
Robert’s family looks for opportunities to testify about the Lord anytime they meet people. During their children’s orthodontist appointment, the secretary asked for Robert’s testimony brochure because her dad has cancer. Another staff member shared that she was under treatment for cancer, the same type as Robert’s. She was flabbergasted when she heard how God transformed his life through his cancer. Although Robert’s church has been limited in how often they can meet, nothing has stopped the gospel from getting into the lives of people that Robert and his family meet.
* Name changed because of the sensitive nature of this missionary’s ministry.
“Would you consider writing your own testimony or asking for help to do so in a brochure telling what your life was like before salvation, how you found Jesus, and how He transformed your life? You could close by challenging the readers to make things right with Jesus before it is too late. This is the best tract you can give when you don’t have time to explain things.”
Driving by an abandoned hotel, Penny Whitty thought, "What a great place for a school."
Despite pandemic restrictions, church planting moved forward in 2021. Read about victories on five continents.