When you learn of a need, you want to meet it. You hear missionaries at your church speak of their calling, and you want to help. You long to promote the cause of the gospel, but you aren’t sure how to accomplish all your heart desires. You want very much for your giving to accelerate the spread of the gospel around the world through a Christ-centered, focused missionary force.
And that is possible when you give to BMM’s Global Impact Fund.
At a foreign airport arrival hall, a veteran missionary couple, weary but smiling, watches the crowd emerging from the customs line. With joy they spot the young family they came to welcome—new missionaries who visited your church. These young parents are pushing overladen luggage carts as they step out into their new ministry homeland.
Your gift to the Global Impact Fund helps them all: The young missionary family has been touched by BMM’s recruitment staff and has attended our Advance Weekend event to focus intently on missions and help them clarify their calling. They came to our Candidate Seminar to help prepare for the many facets of missionary life. They completed deputation, sharing their ministry in many churches. Once their support started, BMM’s Global Ministry Center staff undertook their accounting tasks, receipting and allocating their support as it arrived from many new sources. Field administrators introduced the family to the team of missionaries on their field and will minister to them through the long arc of their missionary service, from culture shock to retirement. And the veteran couple is working with our Missionary Finance Department as they plan their transition to retirement.
This entire global gospel effort is fueled when you give. Truly, hope comes when we help, and help comes when we give.
Please prayerfully consider a generous gift today to Baptist Mid-Missions to support the Global Impact Fund. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience, or you may choose another means of giving. However you give, you are sending help to those who desperately need the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
stewardship.ministries@bmm.org • 440-826-3930 • https://giftplanning.bmm.org
Through BMM Foundation’s Memorial Fund, you can give a lasting legacy by donating in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion. Gifts made to the Memorial Fund are invested and are used to provide services to missionaries, churches, and ministry partners.
Frank & Lillian Crumb
Kinsman Crumb Charitable Trust
Verna Friesen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crossman
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fram
Ms. Jo-Anne Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mawhinney
Mrs. Amy Read
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid
Mr. Randy Teachout
Daniel Gehman
Mr. Dick Alexander
Marjorie Miller
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Block
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. David Lollis
Mr. John Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Norton
Phillip Schiffer
Westside Baptist Church, Jenison, MI
Don Opperthauser
Greater Des Moines Community Band, Clive, IA
Maranatha Baptist Church, Grimes, IA
Betty Patterson
Mr. Dennis Patterson
Rabon Patterson
Mrs. Jacque Young
Martha Dunn Russell
Miss Carol Aumick
James Vander Ground
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bednar
Ms. Cheryl Yanico
Philip Vander Ground
Miss Carol Aumick
Ruth Damaris Dunn Vander Ground
Miss Carol Aumick
Lois Waala
Miss Rebecca Bishop
Percy Young
Ms. Arlene Patterson
Mrs. Jacque Young
Richard Young
Mrs. Jacque Young
Richard and Roland Young
Mrs. Jacque Young
Roland and Alice Young
Dick and Jacque Young
Fred Carlson
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Webber
Compassion ministries that model Jesus's example and affirm the gospel message
World Relief's impact in St. Vincent, Brazil, Peru, Haiti, and a Creative Access Nation