Henry and Marilyn Littleton* came to know the Lord early in life.
They were married in the 1950s. Henry worked as a fabricator in the automotive industry. He’s the kind of guy who can fix or build about anything they might need. Years ago, when they wanted a wood-burning furnace to supplement their home’s radiator system, Henry simply installed one himself. They are heating their home with it again this winter. In the spring and summer, you will find them enjoying the day in their large garden or splitting wood for next winter.
If you pull up a chair and sit in the shade to chat, the conversation will soon turn to the Lord, to His goodness, and to the precious assurances of Scripture. In autumn they harvest and preserve their garden produce, setting aside food for the future. Their joyful lives reflect deliberate choices to live in a simple, God-pleasing way. Truly, they are as consumed for the cause of Christ as our missionaries are.
Henry and Marilyn first encountered Baptist Mid-Missions through the ministry of their church, which partnered with several missionaries. Over the years they grew closer to Baptist Mid-Missions and became significant contributors to BMM’s Global Impact Fund, knowing that each gift would help “lift the hands” of every BMM missionary. They also have given via charitable gift annuities, which provide lifetime income for them and a gift to the ministry beyond their lifetimes. Yet they routinely send their gift annuity checks back to Baptist Mid-Missions as new gifts for the ongoing work of the Great Commission.
With the help of people like Henry and Marilyn, Baptist Mid-Missions’ Global Ministry Center continues to provide vital services and encouragement to the entire missionary family. Whether large or small, gifts like theirs make an impact for eternity.
*not their real names
Please contact Stewardship Ministries at BMM for ways to make an impact for Christ.
(stewardship.ministries@bmm.org or 440-826-3930).
In the past, most gifts were made by mailing in a check. Although many ways are available to make a gift of cash, consider other tax-advantaged ways to support Baptist Mid-Missions’ ministries.
To discover how and what you can give, visit our planned giving website at giftplanning.bmm.org.
Through BMM Foundation’s Memorial Fund, you can give a lasting legacy by donating in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion. Memorial Fund gifts are invested and used to provide services to missionaries, churches, and ministry partners.
Shirley Apperson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young
John Bigelow
John Funtik, Jr.
Lynne Funtik
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson
Margo Miller
Seminole Financial Services, Belleair Bluffs, FL
Jan Wooster
Tim Brudtkuhl
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Talley
Marilyn Carpenter
Bailey Road Baptist Church, North Jackson, OH
Carol Corbett
Calvary Baptist Church, Lake Station, IN
Mr. and Mrs. James Crane
Frank & Lillian Crumb
Kinsman Crumb Charitable Trust
Catherine Hoagland
Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Duffy
Jim Liggins
Ms. Susan Hughes
Robert Mundy
The Gerken Companies, Napoleon, OH
Vernon Rosenau
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Caneday
Rev. and Mrs. Dan Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ellison
Rev. and Mrs. Eric Elmer
Fellowship Greenville, Greenville, SC
Gospel Hope Church, Riverton, UT
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kuk
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Lehman
Mrs. Mildred Lindemann
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCann
Dr. and Mrs. J. Scott McConnaughey
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Radke
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith
Miss Mary Ann Strain
Maribeth Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young
Barbara Young
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young
We’re looking for partners to help us move boldly into a new century of ministry!
As it was from our beginning, our goal is still to go where no missionaries have reached people with the Gospel. Our new frontiers are the world's megacities and Creative Access Nations.