Stewardship involves managing all the resources one has for the glory of God and the furtherance of His work. In a recent video address to the entire Mission Family, Dr. Patrick Odle shared from his heart a vision of 20-year goals. As you ponder these prayer points of Dr. Odle’s “2020 Vision,” ask the Lord of the Harvest how you might steward your life and resources to serve in His harvest, and join us as we serve the Lord together!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, in the next 20 years, the Lord provided:
As we look back over our first 100 years, we also look forward to the work that remains undone. This would be a good year to remember a loved one by making a gift in his or her honor to BMM Foundation’s Memorial Fund. The Memorial Fund helps provide for the ongoing work of the Great Commission.
Kenneth Armstrong, Sr.
Mrs. Dixie Armstrong
Miss Kathy Armstrong
Rev. and Mrs. James Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Redka
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoddard
Margot Webb Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young
Frank & Lillian Crumb
Kinsman Crumb Charitable Trust
Helen Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Madren
Bonnie Madren
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Madren
Rosemary McNamara
Ms. Clarissa Ertel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Strevel
Valerie Grace Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young
Doris Smallman
Dr. William Smallman
Anna M. Wivell
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gehman
Mount Zion Baptist Church, Denver, PA
Barbara Young
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young
In the past, most gifts were made by mailing in a check. Although many ways are available to make a gift of cash, consider other tax-advantaged ways to support Baptist Mid-Missions’s ministries.
To discover how and what you can give, visit our planned giving website at
We‘re 100 years strong, but we‘re always looking toward the future.
Baptist Mid-Missions‘ Global Impact Fund means big impact for every missions dollar you give.