Advance Magazine
Winter 2024

President's View

My Father's Hands

Some images are permanently embedded in our minds. One such memory for me is the mental image I still have of my dad’s hands.

Although my father has been with the Lord for two years, I can still vividly picture what his hands looked like. Dad was a large man who, in many ways, dwarfed me. His hands were one example of his immense size. Dad wore a size 15 ring, and his hands engulfed yours when he greeted you with a friendly handshake. His hands weren’t just large. They were powerful. His strength was the fruit of working with his hands his entire life. As a teen, I remember Dad putting my grip to the test by seeing who could squeeze the other person’s hand the hardest. I never won that test of strength.

While Dad’s hands were strong, I don’t think they were ever spotlessly clean. That doesn’t mean that he didn’t wash his hands. It’s just that when you work with your hands all day every day, it is nearly impossible to remove the callouses and ground-in stains that are the evidence of hard work. Dad did too much with his hands for them to be lily white. Dad’s hands were large, strong, and always at work.

Missions is the work of our Father’s infinitely large, unfathomably strong, and eternally active hands.

The Bible speaks of the work of the Lord’s hands. Although we know that God, as a spiritual being, does not have physical hands, the Bible uses such terminology to help us better understand Who God is and what He does. Missions ministry is the work of the hand of God. It is the work of infinitely large, unfathomably strong, and eternally active hands.

Enjoy reading about the hand of God that has been evident through the ministries of the BMM family. We are so thankful that His hands are at work.

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