Advance Magazine

President’s View

Compassion Fatigue

One of the pitfalls of living in a sin-cursed, broken world is that even believers can suffer from compassion fatigue. The daily news bombards us with a steady stream of crisis after crisis. The overwhelming needs of so many suffering people can cause us to become calloused. We’ve seen these needs for so long that they no longer affect our hearts. Compassion fatigue numbs us to others’ pain, but it can also cause us to feel helpless, thinking we really can’t do anything to alleviate any of these problems.

Whatever the source of compassion fatigue, the cure is Christlike compassion. Biblical compassion is allowing your heart to imagine going through another person’s extreme suffering and then responding in a loving manner to alleviate that suffering (Matt. 9:36).

Spr22 Presidents View

My prayer as you read the following articles is that you will be moved with compassion to help us meet needs around the world. And at the same time, I pray that you will rejoice that so many are hearing the hope of the gospel through BMM’s compassion ministries.

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Dr. Patrick Odle

In 2020, Dr. Patrick Odle became Baptist Mid-Missions’ ninth president. He came to his position with 26 years of pastoral experience and eight years as a BMM Council member, along with service as a vice president of Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary.

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