Advance Magazine
Fall 2024

President’s View

What would motivate someone to leave behind the people they love, the plans they made, the possessions they accumulated, and the places that are familiar? While the possible answers may be seemingly endless, ultimately the answer is love. Who and what we love is the strongest of motivators. And in the case of believers, it is our love for God that compels us to surrender and obey.

Throughout the Bible, believers are commanded to love both God and people. We often refer to these as the Great Commandments. Yet, all of us struggle daily to obey these commands. Our “idol factory” hearts are so prone to exalt illegitimate idols and de-throne the Lord from the center of our lives. If we aren’t on constant high alert spiritually, then people, plans, possessions, and even places can capture our affections rather than the Lord. Jesus knew this would be a battle for us, telling us that His disciples must love Him so much that it appears that we hate our family by comparison (Luke 14:26).

If we aren’t on constant high alert spiritually, then people, plans, possessions, and even places can capture our affections rather than the Lord.

This year’s new missionary appointees have undoubtedly grappled with these heart issues. Yet, they have chosen to love God supremely, surrendering to His call in their lives, leaving behind anything that might keep them from obeying God.

Please take a few minutes to get to know these God-loving servants of Christ. Rejoice over their testimonies! Pray for their futures! And ask yourself the question, “Do I love God so much that I would be willing to follow in their footsteps, if it is God’s will for my life?”

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