Our Bibles International missionaries not only work with translation and literature, but they also serve in local churches where they minister to the very people who benefit from their work. Our team in Asia planned a relaxing game night for Sunday School student teachers. Our national missionary/pastor encouraged his people to memorize Scripture during the lockdowns. One young girl memorized Romans 6 in one week!
Before borders slammed closed due to the pandemic, our consultant-in-training was able to complete the Zotung translation workshop, checking a significant portion of Genesis that nationals had translated. The presence of multiple languages represented at a midweek home prayer meeting didn’t hinder the encouragement that God’s Word has for his people. Seeing God’s Word used in such practical ways is a joy and satisfaction for our Bibles International missionaries.
The children in Asia love “Oreo,” the cat puppet that was this missionary’s toy as a child.
In February, the Matu translation team celebrated the final workshop for the Matu New Testament. The final text read-through has been delayed by the pandemic, but after completion it will be sent for formatting and printing. Our missionary worked with a national scholar on the Mnema* Bible translation (* a pseudonym).
In the 1930s, the Mnema became the second Bible translation initiated by BMM missionaries. This current project is an update for that original text.
At BI’s office in Grand Rapids, Michigan, translation consultants met online with a Haitian pastor to check his work on Isaiah for the Haitian Creole Bible. Joining them was an intern gaining valuable translation experience.
Bible translation ministry before and after COVID-19 shutdowns
Reaching village communities in Alaska through online VBS and a ministry transition to help a Canadian church