Mike and Jeanette Clark in Iliamna had to get creative to provide VBS with local COVID-19 restrictions. Their theme was “Time Lab: Discovering Jesus from Eternity Past to Eternity Future.” For three weeks they and their church recorded Bible lessons, puppet skits, and songs. After that, they spent four days packing “time capsules” with a DVD, activities, snack, and a surprise each day.
They delivered the boxes to 27 kids in Iliamna/Newhalen (the largest number of participants ever) and through their aviation ministry flew boxes to 17 kids in the bush villages of Levelock and Kokhanok. Several parents watched the videos with their kids. One parent enjoyed the lessons herself, and the Clarks are now having a weekly discipleship Bible study with her.
After years of serving in Brazil, Terry and Jane Carruthers moved back to their home country of Canada for a church revitalization project. They were installed at Ambassador Baptist Church in Morden, Manitoba, in July. They’re shown here (center) with founding pastor and wife, Lyle and Helen Neufeld (left), and BMM representatives Tim and Verna Friesen.
College ministry at the University of Iowa and Cleveland State University